Переклад англійською з японської: 掛かる
Словник: main
1 abbreviate, abridge, compact, compress, concentrate, condense, constrict, contract, cut, foreshorten, get, narrow, press, reduce, shorten, shrink, sign, sign on, sign up, squeeze, take, undertake.
3 abduct, arrogate, assume, bring, catch, choose, contract, convey, fetch, get, get hold of, kidnap, nobble, pick out, seize, select, snatch, take, take over, understand, usurp.
4 abide, accept, bear, brook, carry, confine, digest, endure, hold, hold back, keep back, put up, remain firm, restrain, retain, stand, stick out, stomach, suffer, support, take, take hold, tolerate.
5 abide, accept, bear, brook, carry, contain, defy, digest, endure, hold, hold up, put up, stand, stick out, stomach, suffer, support, take, tolerate, withstand.
7 accept, acquire, admit, adopt, aim, ask, assume, bring, call for, carry, charter, choose, claim, conduct, consider, consume, contain, contract, convey, deal, demand, direct, drive, engage, exact, fill, film, get, get hold of, guide, have, hire, hold, ingest, involve, lead, learn, lease, look at, make, necessitate, need, occupy, pack, pick out, postulate, read, remove, rent, require, select, shoot, strike, study, submit, subscribe, subscribe to, take, take aim, take away, take in, take on, take up, train, use up, withdraw.
8 accept, acquire, adopt, assume, call for, catch, charter, collect, cull, drink, engage, gather up, get, get hold of, handle, have, hire, hop, imbibe, lease, make, palm, pick, pick up, pluck, read, remove, rent, strike, subscribe, subscribe to, take, take away, take on, take up, withdraw.
10 accept, adopt, attach, borrow, confiscate, deprive, divest, embrace, espouse, fasten on, gather up, hook on, impound, latch on, lift, lift up, pick up, remove, seize, seize on, sequester, strip, sweep up, take, take away, take over, take up, withdraw.
11 accept, adopt, borrow, call for, capture, catch, collect, cull, embrace, espouse, gather up, pick, pick up, pluck, sweep up, take, take over, take up.
12 accept, apply, consume, deplete, drop, eat, eat up, employ, exhaust, expend, ply, practice, run through, spend, take, use, use up, utilise, utilize, wipe out.
13 accept, approach, attack, attempt, be, begin, catch, commence, consult, contract, cost, depend on, depend upon, devolve on, embark on, fall, flow, get, get down, go about, hang, hinge on, hinge upon, hitch, hop, put on, ride, see, set about, set out, start, start out, start up, take, turn on, undertake.
14 accept, assume, buy, call, contract, don, drink, eat, get, get into, have on, imbibe, purchase, put on, take, wear.
15 accept, bestride, board, climb on, embark, get on, hop on, jump on, mount, mount up, put on, ride, ship, sit, take.
16 accept, calm, calm down, deliver, lull, pay, quiet, quieten, still, store, take, tranquilize, tranquillise, tranquillize.
17 accept, calm, calm down, house, lull, pay, quiet, quieten, still, take, tranquilize, tranquillise, tranquillize.
19 accept, construe, empathise, empathize, get, have, interpret, read, receive, represent, see, sympathise, sympathize, take, understand.
22 accomplish, achieve, add up, amount, attain, become, bring home the bacon, come, come out, come through, comprise, consist, constitute, contract, deliver the goods, form, get, go, grow, make, maturate, mature, number, reach, succeed, take, total, turn, turn out, win.
23 accomplish, action, be, become, carry out, carry through, cost, dally, diddle, do, execute, fiddle, flirt, fulfil, fulfill, function, get, grow, make, maturate, mature, perform, play, put, put on, serve, take, toy, try, try on, turn, turn in.
24 accrue, come, come down, decrease, descend, devolve, diminish, fall, fall down, flow, go down, hang, lessen, light, pass, precipitate, return, settle, shine, strike.
25 acquire, adopt, appropriate, assume, booze, capture, conquer, consume, drink, espouse, follow, fuddle, get, get hold of, have, hop, imbibe, ingest, seize, strike, take, take in, take on, take over, take up.
26 acquire, adopt, arise, ask, assume, bring, call for, choose, complete, conduct, consume, contract, convey, demand, develop, direct, fill, finish, get, get hold of, grow, guide, have, ingest, involve, lead, make, necessitate, need, occupy, originate, pick out, postulate, read, require, rise, run, select, spring up, take, take in, take on, uprise.
27 acquire, aim, amaze, arrest, arrive, baffle, beat, become, beget, begin, bewilder, bring, bring forth, bugger off, buzz off, capture, catch, cause, come, commence, contract, convey, develop, draw, drive, dumbfound, engender, experience, father, fetch, find, fix, flummox, fuck off, generate, get, get down, get under one's skin, go, gravel, grow, have, incur, induce, let, make, mother, mystify, nonplus, obtain, pay back, pay off, perplex, pose, produce, puzzle, receive, scram, set about, set out, sire, start, start out, stick, stimulate, stupefy, suffer, sustain, take, vex.
28 add up, amount, become, change state, come, come off, constitute, contract, form, get, go, go off, go over, grow, make, maturate, mature, number, peal, ring, take, total, turn.
33 agitate, arouse, charge, charge up, commove, depend on, depend upon, devolve on, excite, get off, hinge on, hinge upon, ride, rouse, sex, switch on, trip, trip out, turn on, wind up.
34 aim, assay, attempt, be after, contemplate, contrive, design, designate, destine, essay, intend, mean, plan, plot, project, propose, purport, purpose, seek, set about, specify, think, try, undertake.
36 append, befool, bilk, catch, fool, gull, hang, hang on, hang up, hitch, hook, tack, tack on, tag on.
37 append, befool, catch, cheat, chicane, chouse, fool, gull, hang, hang on, hang up, hitch, hook, jockey, screw, shaft, tack, tack on, tag on.
38 apply, assume, befool, cod, don, dupe, fool, gain, get into, gull, mount, put on, put one across, put one over, slang, take in, turn in, wear.
39 approach, attempt, begin, bestir oneself, commence, embark on, get, get cracking, get down, get going, get moving, get rolling, get started, get weaving, go about, mount, set about, set out, start, start out, start up, undertake.
40 approach, attempt, begin, cater, commence, embark on, get, get down, get going, go, go about, initiate, originate, set about, set out, start, start out, start up, undertake.
41 approach, attempt, begin, cling to, clutch, commence, embark on, get, get down, ghost, go about, haunt, hold close, hold tight, obsess, set about, set out, start, start out, start up, undertake.
42 approach, attempt, begin, commence, embark on, engage, get, get down, get going, go, go about, instal, install, pick, put in, set, set about, set out, set up, start, start out, start up, undertake, wage.
43 approach, attempt, begin, commence, embark on, get, get down, get going, go, go about, initiate, open, open up, originate, pioneer, set about, set out, start, start out, start up, undertake.
44 approach, attempt, begin, commence, embark on, get, get down, go about, initiate, originate, set about, set out, start, start out, start up, take up, undertake.
45 approach, attempt, commence, embark, embark on, go about, launch, plunge, set about, start, start up, undertake, venture.
46 approach, border on, come near, come on, draw close, draw near, go about, go up, near, set about.
47 arrange, assign, fasten, get, have, lay, let, order, place, play, pose, position, post, put, put on, run, set, set up.
48 array, begin, commence, depart, get, get down, lay out, part, range, set about, set forth, set off, set out, start, start out, take off.
49 arrest, becharm, beguile, bewitch, captivate, capture, catch, catch up with, charm, enamor, enamour, enchant, entrance, fascinate, get, grab, hitch, overhear, overtake, pick up, see, take hold of, take in, trance, trip up, view, watch.
50 ascertain, assure, attend, catch, check, come across, consider, construe, control, date, determine, discover, encounter, ensure, envision, escort, examine, experience, fancy, figure, find, find out, get a line, get wind, get word, go out, go steady, go through, hear, image, insure, interpret, learn, look, meet, pick up, picture, project, realise, realize, reckon, regard, run across, run into, see, see to it, take care, take in, understand, view, visit, visualise, visualize, watch, witness.
51 assail, assault, attack, beset, come after, come to, dishonor, dishonour, follow, hit, outrage, rape, ravish, set on, set upon, strike, succeed, violate.
53 assay, attempt, be after, befool, connive, contemplate, contrive, design, devise, ensnare, entrap, essay, fool, frame, get up, gull, intrigue, machinate, organise, organize, plan, prepare, project, scheme, seek, set about, set up, try, undertake.
54 assay, attempt, essay, examine, prove, sample, seek, set about, taste, test, try, try on, try out, undertake.
55 assemble, come across, encounter, foregather, forgather, gather, get together, meet, run across, run into, see.
57 attack, be, bear on, catch, come to, commence, concern, contract, cost, depend on, depend upon, devolve on, embark on, fall, flow, get, hang, have-to doe with, hinge on, hinge upon, hitch, pertain, refer, relate, ride, see, start, start up, take, touch, touch on, turn on.
58 attack, bear on, catch, come to, commence, concern, contract, depend on, depend upon, devolve on, embark on, fall, flow, get, hang, have-to doe with, hinge on, hinge upon, hitch, pertain, put on, refer, relate, ride, see, start, start up, take, touch, touch on, turn on.
63 attempt, begin, commence, embark on, get, get down, get going, go, initiate, lead off, originate, set about, set out, start, start out, start up, undertake.
66 bait, cod, depend on, depend upon, devolve on, drive, hinge on, hinge upon, mount, rag, rally, razz, ride, sit, tantalise, tantalize, taunt, tease, turn on, twit.
67 be, characterise, characterize, comprise, consist, constitute, cost, eavesdrop, embody, exist, feature, have, have got, hold, intend, interrelate, listen in, live, make up, mean, own, personify, possess, qualify, read, relate, represent, show, signify, stand for, take, think.
68 be, comprise, constitute, cost, embody, equal, exist, follow, live, make up, personify, represent.
69 befool, breed, cod, cover, dally, diddle, douse, dowse, drench, dupe, fasten, feed, feed in, fiddle, flirt, fool, gull, hang, hang up, multiply, place, play, put on, put one across, put one over, run, sit, sit down, slang, soak, sop, souse, take in, toy.
70 begin, bring down, cast down, commence, deject, demoralise, demoralize, depress, dismay, dismount, dispirit, get, get down, get off, let down, light, lower, put down, set about, set down, set out, start, start out, swallow, take down, unhorse, write down.
71 begin, bug out, bulge, bulge out, come out, commence, depart, embark on, get, get down, get going, go, initiate, jump, lead off, originate, part, pop, pop out, protrude, set about, set forth, set off, set out, start, start out, start up, startle, take off, take up.
72 begin, commence, depart, embark on, get, get down, get going, go, initiate, launch, lead off, originate, part, set about, set forth, set in motion, set off, set out, start, start out, start up, take off.
73 begin, commence, embark on, get, get down, get going, go, initiate, lead off, open, open up, originate, set about, set out, start, start out, start up, take up.
74 begin, commence, embark on, get, get down, get off the ground, initiate, originate, set about, set out, start, start out, start up, take off.
75 begin, commence, embark on, get, get down, initiate, lead up, mount, open, open up, originate, pioneer, set about, set out, start, start out, start up.
76 begin, commence, get, get down, get going, go, induct, initiate, lead off, open, open up, originate, pioneer, set about, set out, start, start out, take up.
79 check, check into, check out, check over, check up on, consult, enquire, examine, explore, go over, inquire, inspect, investigate, look, look into, look up, probe, refer, research, search, see, suss out.
82 come forward, come out, come to the fore, commence, embark on, start, start up, step forward, step to the fore, step up.