Переклад англійською з японської: 調和
Словник: main
1 abide by, agree, check, comply, correspond, fit, follow, gibe, jibe, match, represent, stand for, tally.
2 accommodate, accord, agree, become, befit, beseem, concord, consort, draw in, fit, fit in, get in, go, harmonise, harmonize, move in, pull in, suit.
3 accommodate, accord, agree, become, check, concord, consort, converge, correspond, fit, fit in, gibe, harmonise, harmonize, jibe, match, meet, suit, tally.
4 accommodate, accord, agree, befit, beseem, concord, conform to, consort, fit, fit in, harmonise, harmonize, meet, suit.
5 accommodate, agree, check, conform to, correspond, equip, fit, fit out, gibe, go, jibe, match, meet, outfit, suit, tally.
8 accord, agree, blend, blend in, buffer, conciliate, concord, consort, cushion, fit in, go, harmonise, harmonize, make up, patch up, reconcile, settle, sing along, soften.
9 accord, agree, check, coincide, concord, conform, consort, correspond, fit, fit in, gibe, harmonise, harmonize, jibe, match, tally.
10 accord, agree, check, concord, concur, consort, correspond, fit, fit in, gibe, harmonise, harmonize, hold, jibe, match, tally.
11 accord, agree, check, concord, consort, coordinate, correspond, fit, fit in, gibe, harmonise, harmonize, jibe, match, tally.
13 accord, agree, concord, conjoin, consort, espouse, fit in, get hitched with, get married, harmonise, harmonize, hook up with, marry, wed.
14 add, add together, add up, agree, chalk up, check, correspond, fit, gibe, hit, jibe, match, rack up, score, sum, sum up, summate, tally, tot, tot up, total, tote up.
15 agree, arrest, ascertain, assure, break, check, check into, check off, check out, check over, check up on, checker, chequer, chink, condition, contain, control, correspond, crack, curb, delay, determine, discipline, ensure, find out, fit, gibe, go over, hold, hold back, hold in, insure, jibe, learn, look into, mark, mark off, match, moderate, retard, see, see to it, stop, suss out, tally, tick, tick off, train, turn back, watch.
16 agree, attach to, check, conform to, correspond, exemplify, fit, gibe, inhere in, jibe, match, meet, reciprocate, represent, tally.
1 Balance, Concord, concordance, counterbalance, equilibrium, equipoise, harmony, proportion, proportionality.
2 Concord, Lexington, Lexington and Concord, agreement, capital of New Hampshire, concordance, harmony.
3 Concord, Lexington, Lexington and Concord, capital of New Hampshire, concordance, harmoniousness, harmony.
5 Concord, accord, accordance, accordance of rights, agreement, coincidence, concordance, conformance, conformity, consensus, consistence, consistency, correspondence, happenstance, harmony, line.
7 Concord, accord, agreement, arrangement, arranging, convention, pact, transcription, treaty, understanding.
12 Concord, acknowledgement, acknowledgment, admission, agreement, approbation, approval, approving, authorisation, authorization, blessing, commendation, consent, countenance, credit, endorsement, favorable reception, favourable reception, imprimatur, indorsement, mandate, recognition, sanction, warrant.
13 Concord, acquiescence, agreement, approval, approving, assent, blessing, commendation, endorsement, favor, favorable reception, favour, favourable reception, indorsement, second, secondment.
15 Concord, agreement, appointment, arrangement, arranging, date, engagement, prescript, promise, rule, transcription, understanding.
21 Concord, ataraxis, concordance, harmony, heartsease, kiss of peace, pacification, pax, peace, peace of mind, peace treaty, peaceableness, peacefulness, repose, serenity.