Переклад англійською з японської: 終る
Словник: main
1 abide, bide, cease, continue, end, finish, halt, remain, stand still, stay, stay on, stop, stop over, terminate.
2 accomplish, achieve, add up, amount, attain, become, bring home the bacon, come, come out, come through, comprise, consist, constitute, contract, deliver the goods, form, get, go, grow, make, maturate, mature, number, reach, succeed, take, total, turn, turn out, win.
3 accomplish, action, brush up, carry out, carry through, complete, discharge, dispatch, execute, fill in, fill out, finish, fulfil, fulfill, make out, nail, polish, polish up, round, round off, round out.
4 accomplish, action, carry out, carry through, cease, close, close down, close up, complete, conclude, discontinue, eat up, end, execute, finish, fold, fulfil, fulfill, give up, lay off, polish off, quit, shut down, stop, terminate.
5 accomplish, action, carry out, carry through, clear up, complete, discharge, dispatch, do, eat up, execute, finish, finish off, finish up, follow out, follow through, follow up, fulfil, fulfill, get through, go through, implement, mop up, perform, polish off, put on, put through, turn in, wrap up.
6 acquire, adopt, arise, ask, assume, bring, call for, choose, complete, conduct, consume, contract, convey, demand, develop, direct, fill, finish, get, get hold of, grow, guide, have, ingest, involve, lead, make, necessitate, need, occupy, originate, pick out, postulate, read, require, rise, run, select, spring up, take, take in, take on, uprise.
8 adjudicate, close, complete, conclude, decide, eat up, finish, finish out, polish off, resolve, round out, settle.
9 amputate, break, break off, break up, carve, carve up, chip, chop, chop up, clip, close off, crop, cut, cut away, cut back, cut down, cut off, cut up, disconnect, discontinue, dissever, divide, dress, eat up, finish, hesitate, interrupt, knap, lop, mix, mow, nip, nip off, pause, polish off, prune, ruff, ruffle, saw, separate, sever, shuffle, shut off, slice, slice up, snip, snip off, split, split up, stop, switch off, trim, trump, trump out, turn off, turn out.
10 appear, break through, bug out, bulge, bulge out, come forth, come forward, come in, come on, come out, come out of the closet, come to the fore, egress, emerge, erupt, fall out, go forth, issue, out, place, pop, pop out, protrude, push through, show up, start, step forward, step to the fore, step up, surface, turn out, turn up.
11 apprehend, cease, compass, complete, comprehend, conclude, construe, dig, discover, end, find out, finish, get a line, get the picture, get wind, get word, grasp, grok, hear, interpret, learn, pick up, savvy, see, stop, terminate.
12 arise, bear, boot out, chuck out, come out, cut, eject, exclude, get up, prove, rise, rotate, splay, spread out, switch off, turf out, turn off, turn out, turn up, uprise.
13 arrest, bar, barricade, block, block off, block up, blockade, break, break off, cease, check, contain, discontinue, end, finish, give up, halt, hold back, hold on, intercept, kibosh, lay off, quit, stop, stop over, terminate, turn back.
15 be quiet, belt up, block, button up, clam up, close, close down, close up, dummy up, fold, impede, jam, keep mum, obstruct, obturate, occlude, shut down, shut up.
17 block, cease, deflect, discontinue, end, finish, give up, halt, kibosh, lay off, parry, quit, settle, stop, terminate.
18 block, close, close down, close up, fold, impede, jam, obstruct, obturate, occlude, shut, shut down.
19 block off, close, close down, close off, close up, fold, lock, lock up, shut, shut down, shut off.
21 bump off, clear up, dispatch, eat up, finish, finish off, finish up, get through, hit, mop up, murder, off, polish off, remove, slay, wrap up.
22 bury, consume, deplete, eat, eat up, exhaust, finish, immerse, polish off, run through, swallow, swallow up, use up, wipe out.
23 can, cease, dismiss, displace, end, finish, fire, force out, give notice, give the axe, give the sack, sack, send away, stop, terminate.
24 cease, close, close down, close up, come out, complete, conclude, eat up, end, end up, fetch up, finish, finish up, fold, land up, leave off, polish off, shut down, stop, terminate, turn out, wind up.
25 cease, close, conclude, determine, end, finish, reason, reason out, resolve, set, shut, stop, terminate.
26 cease, close, discontinue, end, end up, fetch up, finish, finish up, give up, land up, lay off, quit, shut, stop, terminate, wind up.
28 cease, complete, end, end up, fetch up, finalise, finalize, finish, finish up, land up, nail down, settle, stop, terminate, wind up.
29 clear up, complete, discharge, dispatch, finalise, finalize, finish, finish off, finish up, get through, mop up, nail, nail down, polish off, settle, wrap up.
30 clear up, finish, finish off, finish up, get through, mop up, pip, polish off, rack up, whip, worst, wrap up.