Переклад англійською з японської: 催す
Словник: main
1 abide, accept, bear, brook, carry, confine, digest, endure, hold, hold back, keep back, put up, remain firm, restrain, retain, stand, stick out, stomach, suffer, support, take, take hold, tolerate.
2 accept, catch, experience, feel, find, get, have, incur, lose, meet, obtain, receive, submit, suffer, take.
3 accommodate, adjudge, admit, agree, apply, arrest, bear, bind, book, carry, check, concord, concur, confine, contain, control, curb, declare, deem, defend, defy, entertain, give, go for, guard, halt, harbor, harbour, have, have got, hold, hold back, hold in, hold up, keep, keep back, maintain, make, moderate, nurse, obligate, oblige, obtain, prevail, reserve, restrain, retain, support, sustain, take, take for, take hold, throw, view as, withstand.
4 acquit, bear, behave, carry, channel, comport, conduct, contain, convey, deport, dribble, expect, express, extend, gestate, have a bun in the oven, hold, impart, pack, persuade, post, run, stock, stockpile, sway, take, transmit, transport.
5 actuate, call for, cause, demand, egg on, exhort, expedite, get, hasten, have, hustle, incite, induce, invite, make, motivate, move, press, press out, prod, prompt, propel, stimulate, urge, urge on, weigh.
7 adjure, agitate, beseech, bid, campaign, compact, compress, conjure, constrict, contract, crusade, entreat, exhort, fight, iron, iron out, press, press out, push, squeeze, urge, urge on, weigh, weight-lift, weightlift.
8 admonish, bawl out, berate, call down, call on the carpet, censure, chew out, chew up, chide, criminate, dress down, encourage, exhort, have words, jaw, lambast, lambaste, lecture, press, rag, rebuke, remonstrate, reprimand, reproof, reprove, scold, take to task, trounce, urge, urge on.
11 agitate, egg on, entice, excite, exhort, fan, fire up, foment, heat, ignite, incite, inflame, inspire, instigate, lure, press, prod, prompt, set off, stimulate, stir, stir up, sweep, swing, swing out, tempt, urge, urge on, wake.
12 approach, come near, come on, demand, draw close, draw near, exhort, go up, near, press, urge, urge on.
13 assume, believe, call back, call up, cerebrate, cogitate, conceive, conjecture, consider, deem, doubt, experience, feel, find, guess, hold, hope, hypothecate, hypothesise, hypothesize, imagine, intend, love, mean, opine, presume, recall, reckon, recollect, regard, remember, retrieve, see, speculate, suppose, surmise, suspect, take for, take for granted, theorise, theorize, think, think about, trust, view, view as.
14 bang, be intimate, bed, bonk, bosom, do it, eff, embrace, entertain, experience, feel, fuck, get, get it on, get laid, harbor, harbour, have, have a go at it, have intercourse, have it away, have it off, have sex, hold, hug, hump, jazz, know, lie with, love, make love, make out, nurse, receive, roll in the hay, screw, sleep together, sleep with, squeeze, take hold.
15 bask, enjoy, experience, feel, get, go through, have, receive, relish, savor, savour, see, taste.
16 bear, carry, endure, entertain, go, harbor, harbour, have, have got, hold, hold out, hold up, keep, last, live, live on, nurse, own, pack, possess, stay fresh, survive, take, take hold, wear.
17 bemoan, bewail, comprehend, deplore, experience, feel, find, know, lament, live, perceive, regret, repent, rue.
18 beset, chevvy, chevy, chivvy, chivy, exhort, harass, harry, hassle, molest, plague, press, provoke, urge, urge on.
21 cause, egg on, exhort, get, have, incite, induce, inspire, instigate, make, press, prod, prompt, stimulate, urge, urge on.
23 dig, egg on, exhort, incite, instigate, jab, nudge, poke, poke at, press, prod, set off, stab, stir up, urge, urge on.