Переклад англійською з японської: 減少
Словник: main
1 abate, abbreviate, abridge, boil down, concentrate, consume, contract, cut, decoct, decrease, deplete, dock, ease off, ease up, eat, eat up, exhaust, flag, foreshorten, lessen, minify, reduce, retrench, run through, scale down, shorten, slack, slacken off, slake, thin, use up, wipe out.
4 abbreviate, abridge, assure, bring down, contract, cut, cut back, cut down, foreshorten, promise, reduce, shorten, trim, trim back, trim down.
5 abbreviate, abridge, boil down, bring down, come down, concentrate, contract, cut, cut back, cut down, decoct, deoxidise, deoxidize, dilute, foreshorten, keep down, lose weight, melt off, quash, reduce, repress, scale down, shorten, shrink, slenderize, slim, slim down, subdue, subjugate, thin, thin out, tighten, trim, trim back, trim down.
6 abbreviate, abridge, bring down, burn, contract, curve, cut, cut back, cut down, cut off, dilute, disregard, edit, edit out, foreshorten, geld, hack, ignore, issue, make out, prune, rationalise, rationalize, reduce, sheer, shorten, skip, slew, slue, snub, swerve, switch off, tailor, thin, thin out, trend, trim, trim back, trim down, turn off, turn out, veer, write out.
7 accrue, come, come down, decrease, descend, devolve, diminish, fall, fall down, flow, go down, hang, lessen, light, pass, precipitate, return, settle, shine, strike.
9 alleviate, assuage, bring down, cut, cut back, cut down, ease, extenuate, facilitate, lighten, mitigate, palliate, reduce, relieve, remedy, trim, trim back, trim down.
10 alleviate, assuage, comfort, ease, extenuate, facilitate, lessen, loosen, mitigate, moderate, palliate, relax, relieve, remedy, subside.
11 attenuate, break, damp, dampen, dim, dip, extenuate, lessen, mitigate, palliate, rarefy, soften, subside, weaken.
12 back, back down, back off, back up, come down, dangle, decrease, descend, diminish, drop, drop away, drop off, fall, fall away, go down, lessen, put out, retire, slip, stand back, swing, withdraw.
13 barge in, block off, blockade, break in, break up, bring down, butt in, carve, chime in, chip at, chisel in, chop, clip, cut, cut away, cut back, cut down, cut in, cut off, cut out, cut short, hack, nip, nip off, put in, reduce, sever, snip, snip off, trim, trim back, trim down.
15 boil down, break off, bring down, cancel, carve, chip, chip at, concentrate, curb, curtail, cut, cut back, cut down, cut off, delete, knap, pare, plane, reduce, remove, restrict, scale down, shave, tighten, trim, trim back, trim down, whittle.
16 boil down, bring down, concentrate, cut, cut back, cut down, decoct, decrease, lessen, minify, reduce, scale down, tighten, trim, trim back, trim down.
17 break, break down, bust, collapse, crumble, crumple, decrease, diminish, fall, fall apart, lessen, tumble, wear, wear out.
18 break, bring down, counteract, countermine, cut, cut back, cut down, damp, dampen, reduce, sabotage, soften, subvert, trim, trim back, trim down, undermine, weaken.
19 break away, break off, chip, chip off, come away, come down, come off, conk, crash, decrease, descend, detach, diminish, drop, faint, fall, go down, lessen, pass out, precipitate, swoon.
20 bring down, clip, crop, curb, curtail, cut, cut back, cut down, dress, flash back, lop, prune, reduce, restrict, snip, trim, trim back, trim down.
21 bring down, clip, crop, cut, cut back, cut down, dress, garnish, lop, pare, prune, reduce, shave, snip, trim, trim back, trim down.
22 bring down, clip, curtail, cut, cut back, cut down, cut out, cut short, pare, reduce, shave, trim, trim back, trim down.
23 bring down, clip, curtail, cut, cut back, cut down, cut short, reduce, shorten, trim, trim back, trim down.
24 bring down, conserve, cut, cut back, cut corners, cut down, economise, economize, husband, reduce, save, trim, trim back, trim down.
25 bring down, curb, curtail, cut, cut back, cut down, decrease, lessen, minify, reduce, restrict, trim, trim back, trim down.
26 bring down, curb, curtail, cut, cut back, cut down, reduce, restrict, slash, trim, trim back, trim down.
27 bring down, cut, cut back, cut down, cut out, down, drop, fell, knock down, mow, pull down, push down, reduce, slash, strike down, trim, trim back, trim down.
28 bring down, cut, cut back, cut down, decline, decrease, deduct, diminish, dwindle, dwindle away, dwindle down, fall, fall away, fall off, go down, lessen, minify, reduce, subtract, take off, trim, trim back, trim down, wane.
29 bring down, cut, cut back, cut down, decline, decrease, diminish, dwindle, dwindle away, dwindle down, fall, go down, lessen, minify, reduce, subside, trim, trim back, trim down, wane.
30 bring down, cut, cut back, cut down, decrease, dwindle, dwindle away, dwindle down, fall away, fall off, lessen, minify, reduce, scale down, shrink, trim, trim back, trim down.
31 bring down, cut, cut back, cut down, except, exclude, leave off, leave out, omit, reduce, take out, trim, trim back, trim down.
32 bring down, cut, cut back, cut down, get down, impose, inflict, land, let down, lower, overthrow, overturn, put down, reduce, subvert, take down, trim, trim back, trim down, visit.
35 come down, decline, decrease, descend, diminish, drop away, drop off, fall, fall away, go down, lessen, reduce, slip, wane.
37 consume, contract, decline, decrease, deplete, diminish, eat, eat up, exhaust, fall, go down, lessen, run through, shrink, use up, wane, wipe out.
38 consume, decrease, deplete, diminish, eat, eat up, exhaust, fall, lessen, minify, run through, subside, use up, wipe out.
39 contract, cower, crawl, creep, cringe, dwindle, dwindle away, dwindle down, fawn, grovel, shrink, shrivel.
41 decline, decrease, diminish, dwindle, dwindle away, dwindle down, fall, go down, lessen, shrink, shrivel, subside, wane.
43 decline, drop away, drop off, fall away, go down, pass up, refuse, reject, slip, turn down, wane.
1 African tea, Arabian tea, CAT, baseball swing, cut, cutting, haircut, illustration, kat, khat, picture, qat, quat, scene, shot, swing, undercut.
2 Death, Fall, desolation, destruction, devastation, dilapidation, downfall, end, laying waste, ruin, ruination, ruining, wrecking.
3 Fall, PIN, autumn, capitulation, crepuscle, crepuscule, declension, declination, decline, declivity, descent, dip, downfall, downslope, drop, dusk, evenfall, free fall, gloam, gloaming, nightfall, spill, surrender, tumble, twilight.
4 Fall, angle of dip, cutpurse, dip, drop, free fall, inclination, magnetic dip, magnetic inclination, pickpocket, plunge.
5 Fall, backsliding, dip, downfall, drop, fell, free fall, hang, lapse, lapsing, pitch, rake, relapse, relapsing, reversion, reverting, ruin, ruination, slant, spill, tumble.
6 Fall, backsliding, dip, drop, drop-off, falling off, falloff, free fall, lapse, lapsing, relapse, relapsing, reversion, reverting, slack, slump.
7 Fall, bead, cliff, dip, drib, driblet, drop, drop cloth, drop curtain, drop-off, free fall, pearl.
9 Fall, catastrophe, desolation, devastation, dilapidation, disaster, downfall, laying waste, rack, ruin, ruination, ruining, wrack, wrecking.
10 Fall, cut, decline, decrease, decrement, dent, diminution, dip, downfall, drop, drop-off, free fall, lessening, loss, reduction, simplification, step-down.
15 Fall, declension, declination, decline, declivity, decrease, descent, dip, downslope, drop, drop-off, free fall, lessening.
16 Fall, declension, declination, decline, declivity, demotion, descent, dip, downfall, downhill, downslope, drop, free fall, ruin, ruination.
18 Fall, declination, decline, decrease, depreciation, diminution, dip, downfall, drop, drop-off, free fall, lessening.
19 Fall, declination, decline, decrease, deterioration, diminution, dip, drop, drop-off, free fall, impairment, lessening, lowering.
22 Red, departure, deprivation, exit, expiration, going, loss, passing, personnel casualty, red ink, release.
23 Stinger, baseball swing, cold shoulder, cut, cut of meat, cutting, cutting off, deletion, excision, gash, slash, slice, snub, swing, track, undercut.
29 cutback, decline, decrease, decrement, depletion, diminution, drop-off, lessening, lowering, reduction, step-down.
30 cutback, decrease, decrement, depletion, diminution, drop-off, lessening, lowering, reducing, reduction, simplification, step-down.
31 decay, declination, decline, decrease, departure, drop-off, ebb, ebbing, exit, expiration, going, lessening, loss, passing, release, wane.