Переклад англійською з японської: 領域
Словник: main
1 CRO, ambit, background, cathode-ray oscilloscope, compass, orbit, oscilloscope, range, reach, scope, setting, telescope.
2 Chain, ambit, chain of mountains, compass, cooking stove, grasp, image, kitchen range, kitchen stove, mountain chain, mountain range, orbit, range, range of a function, range of mountains, reach, scope, stove.
3 Champaign, airfield, area, arena, athletic field, bailiwick, battlefield, battleground, discipline, domain, field, field of battle, field of force, field of honor, field of operation, field of operations, field of study, field of view, flying field, force field, landing field, line of business, orbit, plain, playing area, playing field, sphere, study, subject, subject area, subject field, theater, theater of operations, theatre, theatre of operations.
4 Champaign, ambit, battlefield, battleground, compass, field, field of battle, field of force, field of honor, field of view, force field, orbit, plain, racecourse, racetrack, raceway, range, reach, scope, track.
5 Champaign, attribute, battlefield, battleground, field, field of battle, field of force, field of honor, force field, plain.
7 Din Land, Edwin Herbert Land, Land, Nation, State, acres, body politic, commonwealth, country, demesne, domain, dry land, earth, estate, farming, ground, kingdom, landed estate, realm, res publica, soil, solid ground, terra firma.
8 Dominion, Land, area, arena, ascendance, ascendancy, ascendence, ascendency, authorisation, authority, authorization, command, control, demesne, district, domain, dominance, domination, field, mastery, orbit, potency, rule, say-so, sphere, subordination, supremacy, sway, territorial dominion, territory.
9 Dominion, area, arena, country, district, domain, field, geographical zone, orbit, sphere, territorial dominion, territory, zone.
10 Dominion, area, city district, country, district, geographical zone, quarter, section, territorial dominion, territory, zone.
11 Dominion, area, country, district, geographical zone, part, region, territorial dominion, territory, zone.
12 Land, Lordship, area, arena, bailiwick, demesne, discipline, domain, field, field of study, orbit, sphere, study, subject, subject area, subject field.
14 Land, acres, area, arena, demesne, domain, estate, field, landed estate, orbit, parcel, parcel of land, piece of ground, piece of land, place, property, sphere, terrain, tract.
15 Land, air division, area, arena, bailiwick, department, discipline, division, domain, field, field of operation, field of operations, field of study, kingdom, line of business, naval division, orbit, part, partition, partitioning, realm, section, sectionalisation, sectionalization, segmentation, sphere, study, subject, subject area, subject field, theater, theater of operations, theatre, theatre of operations, variance.
16 Land, ambit, area, arena, compass, country, demesne, domain, extent, field, field of operation, kingdom, line of business, neighborhood, orbit, part, range, reach, realm, region, scope, sector, sphere.
17 Land, angleworm, crawler, demesne, dew worm, domain, dry land, earth, earthworm, fishing worm, fishworm, globe, ground, nightcrawler, nightwalker, red worm, soil, solid ground, terra firma, wiggler, world.
18 Land, area, arena, demesne, domain, domain of a function, field, knowledge base, knowledge domain, orbit, sphere, world.
23 MAT, ambit, background, case, casing, compass, framework, matting, model, orbit, picture frame, range, reach, scope, setting, theoretical account.
25 action, beat, cadence, dance step, extent, footfall, footstep, measure, meter, metre, pace, step, stride.
26 ambit, area, arena, background, bailiwick, compass, discipline, domain, field, field of study, horizon, orbit, purview, range, reach, scope, sector, setting, sphere, study, subject, subject area, subject field, view.
27 ambit, area, arena, background, clock dial, clock face, compass, domain, field, orbit, range, reach, scope, sector, setting, sphere.
28 ambit, area, arena, background, compass, domain, extent, field, grasp, orbit, range, reach, scope, sector, setting, spectrum, sphere.
29 ambit, area, arena, celestial orbit, compass, cranial orbit, domain, electron orbit, eye socket, field, orbit, orbital cavity, range, reach, scope, sphere.
32 area, arena, athletic field, background, bailiwick, country, countryside, course, discipline, domain, field, field of force, field of study, force field, horizon, orbit, playing area, playing field, purview, rural area, scene of action, scope, sector, setting, sphere, study, subject, subject area, subject field, view.
35 area, arena, celestial sphere, domain, empyrean, field, firmament, heavens, orbit, sector, sphere, sphere of influence, vault of heaven, welkin.
38 area, bailiwick, country, discipline, expanse, field, field of study, goal, region, study, subject, subject area, subject field, surface area.
44 arm, branch, category, class, department, division, family, field, field of operation, line of business, part, partition, partitioning, section, sectionalisation, sectionalization, sector, segmentation, subdivision, variance.
45 bigness, denotation, elongation, extension, extension phone, extent, largeness, lengthiness, prolongation, reference, spread, spreading, telephone extension.
46 bound, boundary, bounds, bourn, bourne, demarcation, demarcation line, extent, limit, limitation, restriction.
48 bulletin, component, component part, constituent, debriefing, hand, part, party, percentage, piece, portion, region, section, segment, share.
49 business line, field, field of operation, line, line of business, line of merchandise, line of products, product line.
50 character, component, component part, constituent, contribution, division, function, office, part, parting, percentage, persona, piece, portion, region, role, section, share, theatrical role, voice.
51 component, component part, constituent, division, elaboration, helping, part, party, percentage, piece, portion, position, refinement, region, section, segment, serving, share, side, subdivision.