Переклад англійською з японської: 指示
Словник: main
1 account, call attention, comment, describe, designate, indicate, mark, notice, point, point out, remark, report, score, show, sign, signal, signalise, signalize.
2 acquire, adopt, assume, bring forth, designate, disclose, display, evince, exhibit, expose, express, indicate, point, produce, show, take, take on.
3 address, aim, calculate, channelise, channelize, conduct, direct, engineer, guide, head, lead, maneuver, manoeuver, manoeuvre, mastermind, orchestrate, organise, organize, place, point, send, steer, take, take aim, target, train.
5 advert, bear on, bring up, cite, come to, concern, consult, denote, have-to doe with, look up, mention, name, pertain, refer, relate, touch, touch on.
6 aim, bespeak, betoken, channelise, channelize, charge, designate, direct, guide, head, indicate, level, luff, maneuver, manoeuver, manoeuvre, orient, place, point, repoint, sharpen, show, signal, steer, taper, target.
7 aim, chair, channelise, channelize, conduct, direct, drive, edit, engineer, force, guide, head, lead, maneuver, manoeuver, manoeuvre, marshal, mastermind, moderate, orchestrate, organise, organize, place, point, ram, redact, steer, take, take aim, target, train, will.
8 allege, articulate, aver, enjoin, enounce, enunciate, order, pronounce, read, say, sound out, state, suppose, tell.
10 appoint, charge, command, dictate, direct, enjoin, make, name, nominate, order, prescribe, require, say, tell, will.
12 argue, attest, bear witness, bespeak, betoken, betray, bewray, call attention, certify, demonstrate, denote, depict, describe, designate, display, draw, establish, evidence, evince, exhibit, expose, express, indicate, lay out, manifest, mark, point, point out, present, prove, read, record, refer, reflect, register, represent, shew, show, signal, signalise, signalize, state, testify.
13 argue, bespeak, betoken, comment, direct, express, indicate, notice, point, point out, register, remark, sign, signal, signalise, signalize, state.
15 arrange, consecrate, dictate, enjoin, govern, grade, ordain, order, ordinate, place, prescribe, put, range, rank, rate, regularise, regularize, regulate, say, set up, tell.
16 ask, call for, command, demand, expect, involve, necessitate, need, postulate, require, take, want.
17 assign, delegate, denominate, depute, designate, destine, doom, fate, indicate, intend, point, show, specify.
18 assure, differentiate, distinguish, enjoin, evidence, narrate, order, recite, recount, say, secern, secernate, separate, severalise, severalize, state, tell, tell apart.
19 attest, certify, demonstrate, designate, essay, establish, evidence, examine, indicate, manifest, point, prove, sample, shew, show, taste, tell, test, try, try out.
20 attest, certify, demonstrate, designate, establish, evidence, exemplify, indicate, manifest, point, prove, represent, shew, show, tell, turn out, turn up.
21 bear witness, demo, demonstrate, depict, designate, establish, evidence, evince, exhibit, express, indicate, picture, point, present, prove, read, record, register, render, shew, show, show up, testify, usher.
22 bear witness, depict, designate, disclose, evidence, evince, expose, express, indicate, picture, point, prove, render, show, testify.
23 bespeak, betoken, constitute, designate, establish, found, indicate, institute, plant, point, read, record, register, say, show, signal, state, suggest, tell.
26 call attention, command, denote, designate, direct, enjoin, index, indicate, order, orient, point, point out, refer, require, say, show, signalise, signalize, tell.
28 call attention, designate, indicate, orient, point, point out, point up, show, signalise, signalize.
30 call attention, differentiate, discern, distinguish, make out, mark, mark off, mark out, pick out, point out, recognise, recognize, secern, secernate, separate, severalise, severalize, signalise, signalize, spot, tell, tell apart.
33 carry on, command, conduct, deal, direct, engineer, enjoin, lead, mastermind, orchestrate, order, organise, organize, say, tell.
37 charge, cue, designate, enrol, enroll, enter, indicate, inscribe, level, mention, note, observe, point, point up, prompt, recruit, remark, remind, show, take down.
40 command, dictate, direct, get off, mail, order, post, prescribe, require, send, send off, send out, ship, transport.
42 direct, govern, invigilate, manage, order, oversee, proctor, regularise, regularize, regulate, rule, superintend, supervise.
2 Order, Word, arrangement, array, bid, bidding, command, dictation, instruction, judicial writ, ordering, ordination, organisation, organization, program line, statement, system, warrant, writ.
3 Order, authorisation, authorization, behest, bid, bidding, charge, command, commission, decree, dictate, dictation, direction, directive, edict, fiat, injunction, instruction, mandate, program line, rescript, statement.
7 Scout, direction, guidance, guide, guidebook, handlebar, instruction, pathfinder, steering, template, templet.
9 address, board of directors, course, destination, direction, directorate, directorship, generalship, guidance, leaders, leadership, management, name and address, organisation, organization, path, steering, track, way.
10 advice, board, confidential information, council, direction, hint, instruction, lead, steer, tip, wind.
11 appellation, appellative, appointment, assignment, denomination, designation, identification, naming.
12 appointment, assignment, designation, identification, naming, nominating address, nominating speech, nomination.
14 bid, bidding, command, denotation, designation, dictation, direction, guidance, identification, indication, instruction, steering.
17 breeding, command, direction, education, instruction, military training, program line, statement, training.
18 centering, charge, commission, counsel, counseling, counselling, direction, focal point, focus, focusing, focussing, guidance, instruction, management, steering, way.