Переклад англійською з японської: 点
Словник: main
1 CORE, Centre, Mark, breaker point, center, detail, distributor point, essence, gist, grade, heart, heart and soul, inwardness, item, kernel, marrow, meat, nitty-gritty, nub, pith, place, point, score, spot, substance, sum, topographic point.
2 CORE, Centre, burden, center, detail, effect, essence, gist, heart, heart and soul, inwardness, item, kernel, marrow, meat, nitty-gritty, nub, pith, point, substance, sum.
3 Centre, center, center of attention, centering, centre of attention, detail, direction, focal point, focus, focusing, focussing, item, point.
4 Cross, Deutsche Mark, Deutschmark, German mark, Gospel According to Mark, Mark, Saint Mark, St. Mark, bell ringer, brand, bull's eye, chump, crisscross, fall guy, fool, grade, gull, home run, marker, marking, mug, patsy, print, scar, score, scrape, scratch, sign, soft touch, stain, stigma, sucker, target.
5 Department of Transportation, DoT, Elvis, Lucy in the sky with diamonds, Zen, acid, back breaker, battery-acid, dit, dose, loony toons, pane, point, superman, transportation, window pane.
6 Department of Transportation, DoT, decimal point, fulcrum, item, percentage point, point, transportation.
7 DoT, Mark, detail, dit, grade, item, pip, place, point, punctuation, punctuation mark, score, spot, topographic point.
8 DoT, breaker point, compass point, decimal point, degree, detail, distributor point, full point, full stop, gunpoint, head, item, level, peak, percentage point, period, point, point in time, pointedness, power point, spot, stage, stop, tip.
10 DoT, degree, dit, full point, full stop, ghost, item, level, period, point, stage, stitch, stop, touch, trace.
13 Land, background, character, dirt, dry land, earth, fiber, fibre, ground, place, soil, solid ground, spot, terra firma, topographic point.
15 Mark, appraisal, assessment, estimate, estimation, evaluation, grade, judgement, judgment, opinion, rating, score, valuation, view.
16 Mark, brand, brand name, grade, make, marker, marking, marque, print, score, trade name, trademark.
18 Mark, categorisation, categorization, class, classification, division, grade, level, rank, score, tier.
19 Mark, category, class, course, division, family, form, grade, level, rank, score, social class, socio-economic class, stratum, tier.
24 Post, berth, billet, bit, blot, dapple, daub, fleck, maculation, office, patch, pip, place, point, position, situation, slur, smear, smirch, smudge, speckle, spot, spotlight, stain, topographic point, touch.
25 Post, berth, billet, blank space, home, lieu, office, piazza, place, plaza, position, property, seat, shoes, situation, space, spot, station, stead, topographic point.
26 Post, berth, billet, blank space, land site, lieu, location, office, place, point, position, property, regard, respect, seat, shoes, site, situation, space, spot, station, stead.
28 agency, arrangement, convention, detail, fashion, formula, item, manner, means, mode, musical arrangement, normal, pattern, point, regulation, rule, style, way.
31 bailiwick, category, class, detail, discipline, family, field, field of study, item, point, study, subject, subject area, subject field.
36 detail, distinctive feature, distinguishing characteristic, item, particularity, peculiarity, point, specialness.
42 field, field of force, floor, force field, grounds, location, picture, place, position, scene, spot, topographic point, trading floor.
43 land site, location, place, point, position, property, site, spatial relation, spot, topographic point.