Переклад англійською з японської: 格
Словник: main
2 Dominion, convention, formula, linguistic rule, normal, pattern, prescript, principle, regulation, rule, ruler.
6 Mark, categorisation, categorization, class, classification, division, grade, level, rank, score, tier.
7 Mark, category, class, course, division, family, form, grade, level, rank, score, social class, socio-economic class, stratum, tier.
11 Post, berth, billet, grade, hangout, haunt, junk shop, level, office, perspective, place, point of view, position, posture, repair, resort, shoes, side, situation, spot, stamping ground, stance, stand, standpoint, station, tier, view, viewpoint.
12 Post, berth, billet, grade, level, office, place, position, rank, situation, social rank, social station, social status, spot, standing, station, tier.
13 affair, case, causa, cause, character, circumstance, eccentric, event, example, grammatical case, guinea pig, instance, lawsuit, matter, occurrence, subject, suit, thing, type.
14 agency, arrangement, convention, detail, fashion, formula, item, manner, means, mode, musical arrangement, normal, pattern, point, regulation, rule, style, way.
16 case, caseful, casing, causa, cause, character, compositor's case, display case, eccentric, event, example, face, font, fount, grammatical case, guinea pig, instance, lawsuit, pillow slip, pillowcase, sheath, shell, showcase, slip, subject, suit, type, typeface, typesetter's case, vitrine.
18 category, class, family, grade, level, rank, social class, social rank, social station, social status, socio-economic class, stratum, tier.
20 class, floor, grade, hierarchy, layer, level, pecking order, power structure, social class, socio-economic class, storey, story, stratum, tier.
21 closure, convention, end, final stage, formula, habit, last, normal, pattern, prescript, regulation, resolution, rule, settlement, wont.
22 closure, convention, formula, habit, normal, ordinance, pattern, prescript, regulation, resolution, rule, settlement, wont.
26 convention, criterion, formula, measure, normal, pattern, prescript, principle, regulation, rule, ruler, standard, straightedge, touchstone.
27 criterion, graduated table, measure, ordered series, prescript, regulation, rule, ruler, scale, scale of measurement, standard, touchstone.
28 criterion, measure, norm, ordinance, point of reference, prescript, reference, reference point, regulation, rule, standard, touchstone.
29 criterion, measure, norm, ordinance, regulation, rule, spec, specification, standard, touchstone.
31 degree, floor, grade, horizontal surface, layer, level, point, spirit level, stage, storey, story, stratum, tier.