Переклад англійською з японської: 一時停止
Словник: main
1 abide, bide, cease, continue, end, finish, halt, remain, stand still, stay, stay on, stop, stop over, terminate.
2 abide, bide, continue, halt, persist, remain, stand still, stay, stay on, stay put, stick, stick around, stop, stop over.
3 arrest, bar, barricade, block, block off, block up, blockade, break, break off, cease, check, contain, discontinue, end, finish, give up, halt, hold back, hold on, intercept, kibosh, lay off, quit, stop, stop over, terminate, turn back.
4 arrest, block, break, break off, cease, discontinue, give up, halt, hold, intermit, kibosh, lay off, pause, quit, stop.
6 bankrupt, better, breach, break, break away, break dance, break down, break in, break off, break out, break up, break-dance, bring out, bump, burst, bust, cave in, check, collapse, come apart, conk out, crack, damp, dampen, demote, develop, die, disclose, discontinue, discover, divulge, erupt, expose, fail, fall apart, fall in, founder, fracture, get around, get out, give, give away, give out, give way, go, go against, go bad, infract, intermit, interrupt, kick downstairs, let on, let out, offend, part, pause, recrudesce, relegate, reveal, ruin, separate, smash, snap off, soften, split, split up, stop, transgress, unwrap, violate, weaken, wear, wear out.
8 break, break off, break short, break up, cut off, cut short, discontinue, disrupt, freeze, intermit, interrupt, pause, stop, suspend.
9 break, break off, breathe, catch one's breath, discontinue, halt, hesitate, hold on, intermit, pause, rest, stop, take a breather.
1 Curb, arrest, assay, balk, bank check, baulk, bridle, check, check mark, check-out procedure, checkout, cheque, chip, chit, confirmation, deterrent, halt, handicap, hinderance, hindrance, hitch, impediment, stay, stop, stoppage, substantiation, tab, tick, verification.
2 abatement, abeyance, break, cancellation, dangling, discontinuance, discontinuation, disruption, gap, halt, hanging, hiatus, intermission, interruption, pause, reprieve, respite, stop, stoppage, suspension, suspension system, temporary removal.
3 abatement, breach, break, discontinuance, discontinuation, disruption, falling out, gap, hiatus, intermission, interruption, pause, reprieve, respite, rift, rupture, severance, suspension.
4 abortion, break, discontinuance, discontinuation, disruption, gap, induced abortion, intermission, interruption, miscarriage, pause, stop, stoppage, suspension.
6 affectation, affectedness, airs, attitude, bearing, break, carriage, intermission, interruption, mannerism, pause, pose, position, posture, recess, respite, suspension, time out.
7 apprehension, arrest, catch, check, collar, confinement, halt, hitch, pinch, stay, stop, stoppage, taking into custody.
8 arrest, block, blockage, catch, check, closure, diaphragm, full point, full stop, halt, hitch, layover, occlusion, occlusive, period, plosive, plosive consonant, plosive speech sound, point, stay, stop, stop consonant, stopover, stoppage.
9 arrest, break, cessation, check, freeze, halt, hitch, intermission, interruption, letup, lull, open frame, pause, relief, respite, rest, rest period, stay, stop, stoppage, surcease, suspension.
10 arrest, break, check, discontinuance, discontinuation, freeze, halt, hitch, intermission, interruption, occlusive, outage, pause, plosive, plosive consonant, plosive speech sound, stand, standstill, stay, stop, stop consonant, stoppage, suspension, tie-up.
11 arrest, check, duty tour, encumbrance, enlistment, halt, hang-up, hinderance, hindrance, hitch, hobble, incumbrance, interference, limp, preventative, preventive, rub, snag, stay, stop, stoppage, term of enlistment, tour, tour of duty.
12 breach, break, break of serve, breakage, breaking, breakout, disruption, falling out, fault, faulting, fracture, gaolbreak, gap, geological fault, good luck, happy chance, intermission, interruption, jailbreak, open frame, pause, prison-breaking, prisonbreak, recess, respite, rift, rupture, severance, shift, suspension, time out.
13 break, breath, breather, breathing place, breathing space, breathing spell, breathing time, intermission, interruption, pause, suspension.
14 break, clocking, intermission, interruption, pause, recess, respite, suspension, time, time out, time-out.
15 break, day off, dormancy, ease, holiday, intermission, interruption, leave, leave of absence, pause, quiescence, quiescency, recess, relaxation, relief, repose, respite, rest, rest period, sleep, sleeping, slumber, suspension, time out, vacation.
16 break, day off, ease, holiday, intermission, interruption, leave, leave of absence, no-show, nonattender, pause, recess, relaxation, relief, repose, respite, rest, rest period, suspension, time out, truant, vac, vacation.
17 break, deferral, disruption, gap, intermission, interruption, pause, recess, respite, suspension, time out.
19 break, distance, gap, human relationship, intermission, interruption, interval, musical interval, opening, patch, pause, piece, relation, relationship, room, space, span, spell, suspension, time interval, while.
21 break, intermission, interruption, interval, letup, lull, musical interval, pause, quiet, suspension.
22 break, intermission, interruption, open frame, pause, recess, relief, respite, rest, rest period, suspension, time out.