Переклад англійською з японської: 声遣
Словник: main
3 Logos, Son, Word, choice of words, diction, language, linguistic communication, natural language, oral communication, phraseology, phrasing, speech, speech communication, spoken communication, spoken language, statement, tongue, verbiage, voice communication, wording, words.
4 SHAPE, condition, impetus, impulse, impulsion, note, pitch, quality, step, strain, style, stylus, tenor, timber, timbre, tone, tone of voice, tonicity, tonus, vein, whole step, whole tone.
5 Word, address, choice of words, diction, language, linguistic communication, oral communication, phraseology, phrasing, speech, speech communication, spoken communication, spoken language, verbiage, voice communication, wording, words.
8 actor's line, address, delivery, language, lecture, manner of speaking, oral communication, speech, speech communication, spoken communication, spoken language, talking to, voice communication, words.
9 arguing, argument, choice of words, contention, contestation, controversy, delivery, diction, disceptation, disputation, dissent, dustup, expostulation, language, linguistic communication, manner of speaking, objection, phraseology, phrasing, protest, quarrel, remonstrance, remonstration, row, run-in, speech, tilt, verbiage, wording, words, wrangle.
14 bringing, deliverance, delivery, legal transfer, livery, manner of speaking, obstetrical delivery, pitch, rescue, saving, speech.
16 chromaticity, hue, musical note, note, pitch, pure tone, shade, step, strain, tenor, tincture, tint, tone, tone of voice, whole step, whole tone.
22 delivery, language, linguistic communication, manner of speaking, quality, speech, timber, timbre, tone, tone of voice.
23 feel, feeling, flavor, flavour, look, musical note, note, pure tone, quality, shade, smell, spirit, step, timber, timbre, tincture, tint, tone, tone of voice, tonicity, tonus, whole step, whole tone.