Переклад англійською з японської: 厚い
Словник: main
1 abstruse, deep, dense, heavy, impenetrable, intimate, profound, recondite, rich, sexual, sound, thick, unfathomed, unplumbed, unsounded, wakeless.
2 accurate, clandestine, cloak-and-dagger, close, detailed, elaborate, elaborated, furtive, hidden, hole-and-corner, hugger-mugger, hush-hush, private, secret, sneak, sneaky, stealthy, surreptitious, thick, unavowed, under wraps, undercover, underground.
3 adorable, affable, affectionate, amiable, appealing, cordial, endearing, fond, genial, kind, likable, likeable, lovable, loveable, lovely, lovesome, nice, sympathetic, tender, warm.
5 affable, affectionate, amiable, benevolent, charitable, cordial, fond, genial, good-hearted, kind, kindly, large-hearted, lovesome, openhearted, sympathetic, tender, warm.
6 affable, affectionate, amiable, cordial, couthie, couthy, fond, genial, good-humored, good-humoured, gracious, kind, lovable, loveable, lovesome, tender, thoughtful, tolerant, warm.
7 affable, affectionate, amiable, cordial, elegant, fond, genial, gentle, kind, lovesome, soft, tender, thoughtful, warm.
13 arduous, backbreaking, big, clayey, cloggy, dense, enceinte, expectant, fleshy, grave, gravid, great, grievous, grueling, gruelling, hard, heavy, impenetrable, intemperate, labored, laborious, laboured, large, leaden, lowering, lumbering, operose, overweight, ponderous, profound, punishing, sonorous, sound, sullen, threatening, toilsome, wakeless, weighed down, weighty, with child.
14 arduous, backbreaking, blue, dense, depressed, dispirited, down, down in the mouth, downcast, downhearted, gloomy, grim, grueling, gruelling, hard, heavy, impenetrable, important, laborious, low, low-spirited, operose, punishing, serious, significant, toilsome.
15 audacious, bald-faced, barefaced, bass, big, bodacious, brassy, brazen, brazen-faced, deep, fat, insolent, large, thick.
16 blockheaded, boneheaded, buddy-buddy, chummy, compact, deep, dense, duncical, duncish, fatheaded, heavyset, loggerheaded, slurred, stocky, thick, thick-skulled, thickheaded, thickset, wooden-headed.
25 detailed, elaborate, elaborated, fine, little, small, tender, understated, unostentatious, unpretending, unpretentious, warm.
29 favorable, favourable, friendly, golden, indulgent, kind, lucky, positive, prosperous, well-disposed.