Переклад англійською з японської: 空き
Словник: main
3 air, celestial sphere, emptiness, empyrean, firmament, heavens, hole, hollow, hollowness, prefabrication, sky, sphere, vacancy, vacuity, vacuum, vault of heaven, void, welkin.
10 break, chance, expedience, expediency, good luck, happy chance, occasion, opening, opportuneness, opportunity, patness, timeliness.
11 break, distance, gap, human relationship, intermission, interruption, interval, musical interval, opening, patch, pause, piece, relation, relationship, room, space, span, spell, suspension, time interval, while.
12 breathing room, breathing space, elbow room, expanse, infinite, mathematical space, room, space, sweep, topological space, way.
13 chess opening, curtain raising, first step, gap, hatchway, initiative, opening, opening move, opening night, orifice, porta, possibility, possible action, scuttle.
16 discharge, dismissal, dismission, firing, free time, holiday, leave, leave of absence, leisure, leisure time, liberation, release, sack, sacking, spare time, time off.