Переклад англійською з японської: 注意
Словник: main
1 abide by, celebrate, detect, discover, find, follow, honor, honour, keep, keep an eye on, maintain, mention, note, notice, observe, remark, respect, take note, watch, watch over.
2 admonish, advise, apprise, apprize, discourage, give notice, instruct, monish, notify, send word, tip, tip off, warn.
5 advert, assist, attend, attend to, bushel, doctor, fix, furbish up, give ear, hang, heed, listen, mend, mind, pay heed, repair, restore, serve, service, take to heart, touch on, wait on.
6 advert, assist, attend, attend to, give ear, go to, hang, look, pay heed, see, serve, take care, wait on.
8 advert, attend, give ear, hang, look out, note, observe, pay heed, take care, take note, warn, watch, watch out.
9 ascertain, bump, chance, detect, discover, encounter, find, happen, note, notice, observe, read, record, register, show, take note, tape.
10 ascertain, catch, check, determine, find out, follow, keep an eye on, learn, look on, look out, observe, see, take in, view, watch, watch out, watch over.
1 BAN, admonition, care, caution, caveat, forethought, monition, penalisation, penalization, penalty, precaution, prohibition, proscription, punishment, warning, word of advice.
4 absorption, assiduity, assiduousness, attention, buildup, concentration, denseness, density, engrossment, immersion.
6 admonishment, admonition, expostulation, monition, objection, remonstrance, remonstration, warning, word of advice.
8 admonition, attending, attention, care, caution, caveat, circumspection, forethought, monition, precaution, warning, word of advice.
9 admonition, deterrent example, example, lesson, monition, moral, object lesson, penalisation, penalization, penalty, punishment, warning, word of advice.
13 aid, attending, attention, attentiveness, care, considerateness, consideration, heed, notice, observance, observation, paying attention, regard, solicitousness, solicitude, tending, thoughtfulness, vigilance, watchfulness, weather eye.
14 aid, attention, attentiveness, care, caution, considerateness, consideration, forethought, heed, paying attention, precaution, regard, tending, thoughtfulness.
15 aid, attention, care, caution, charge, concern, fear, forethought, guardianship, maintenance, precaution, tending, tutelage, upkeep.
17 alarm, alert, alertness, care, caution, caveat, circumspection, consternation, dismay, forethought, precaution, qui vive, vigilance, wakefulness, watchfulness, weather eye.