Переклад англійською з японської: 渉る
Словник: main
1 add up, carry, clear, filter, go across, go by, go past, go through, make it, make pass, make sense, move through, pass, pass across, pass by, pass over, pass through, percolate, permeate, sink in, surpass, transit, travel by.
2 address, breed, brood, compensate, comprehend, continue, cover, cover up, cross, cut across, cut through, deal, embrace, encompass, enshroud, extend, get across, get over, handle, hatch, hide, incubate, insure, overcompensate, overlay, pass over, plow, report, shroud, spread over, track, traverse, treat, underwrite, wrap up.
3 authorise, authorize, blow over, buy the farm, cash in one's chips, choke, clear, come about, communicate, conk, croak, decease, devolve, die, draw, drop dead, egest, elapse, eliminate, evanesce, exceed, excrete, exit, expire, extend, fade, fall, fall out, fleet, give, give-up the ghost, glide by, go, go across, go along, go by, go on, go past, go through, guide, hand, hap, happen, kick the bucket, lapse, lead, legislate, make it, make pass, occur, overhaul, overstep, overtake, pass, pass along, pass away, pass by, pass off, pass on, perish, pop off, put across, reach, return, run, sink, slide by, slip away, slip by, snuff it, spend, surpass, take place, top, transcend, travel by, turn over.
4 baffle, bilk, cover, cross, crossbreed, cut across, cut through, foil, frustrate, get across, get over, hybridise, hybridize, interbreed, intersect, pass over, queer, scotch, span, spoil, sweep, thwart, track, traverse.
5 bilk, come through, elude, evade, experience, go across, go through, make it, pass, pull round, pull through, see, survive.
6 blow over, clear, come about, come by, draw, drop by, drop in, elapse, evanesce, extend, fade, fall out, fleet, give, glide by, go, go across, go along, go by, go on, go past, go through, guide, hand, hap, happen, impart, lapse, lead, leave, legislate, make it, make pass, occur, operate, overhaul, overtake, pass, pass by, pass off, pass on, reach, run, sink, slide by, slip away, slip by, spend, surpass, take place, travel by, turn over.
7 bounce back, cover, cross, cut across, cut through, get across, get over, get well, master, overcome, pass over, subdue, surmount, track, traverse.
8 break away, break through, bunk, come out, erupt, escape, fall out, fly the coop, go across, go through, head for the hills, hightail it, lam, pass, push through, run, run away, scarper, scat, take to the woods, turn tail.
10 break through, cover, crack, cross, cut across, cut through, empale, fly, get across, get over, impale, pass over, spike, track, transfix, traverse.
11 carry out, consume, devour, down, experience, follow out, follow through, follow up, go across, go through, implement, pass, put through, run through, see, work through.
12 cast, comprehend, continue, cover, cross, cut across, cut through, drift, embrace, encompass, extend, get across, get over, pass over, ramble, range, roam, roll, rove, run, straddle, stray, swan, track, tramp, traverse, vagabond, wander.
13 chase, chase after, cover, cross, cut across, cut through, dog, get across, get over, give chase, go after, pass over, tag, tail, track, trail, traverse.
14 clear, elapse, extend, glide by, go, go across, go along, go by, go through, lapse, lead, make it, make pass, pass, plan, run, slide by, slip away, slip by.
15 click, come home, cover, cross, cut across, cut through, dawn, fall into place, get across, get over, get through, pass over, penetrate, put over, sink in, track, traverse.
16 cover, cross, crossbreed, cruise, cut across, cut through, get across, get over, hybridise, hybridize, interbreed, pass over, track, traverse.
17 cover, cross, crossbreed, cut across, cut through, get across, get over, hybridise, hybridize, interbreed, move through, pass across, pass over, pass through, track, transit, traverse.
18 cover, cross, crosscut, cut across, cut through, get across, get over, pass over, track, traverse.
19 cover, cross, cut across, cut through, deny, get across, get over, pass over, span, sweep, track, traverse.
20 cover, cross, cut across, cut through, extend, get across, get over, go, lead, pass, pass over, run, track, traverse.
21 cover, cross, cut across, cut through, get across, get over, go across, go through, move through, pass, pass across, pass over, pass through, span, sweep, track, transit, traverse.
22 cover, cross, cut across, cut through, get across, get over, go across, go through, move through, pass, pass across, pass over, pass through, track, transect, transit, traverse.
23 cover, cross, cut across, cut through, get across, get over, jump, move through, overfly, pass across, pass over, pass through, skip, skip over, track, transit, traverse, wipe.
24 elapse, exceed, glide by, go across, go along, go by, go past, go through, lapse, make pass, move through, overstep, pass, pass across, pass over, pass through, slide by, slip away, slip by, surpass, top, transcend, transit.
25 elapse, glide by, go across, go along, go by, go past, go through, lapse, make pass, move through, pass, pass across, pass by, pass over, pass through, slide by, slip away, slip by, surpass, transit, travel by.
26 exceed, excel, go across, go past, go through, move through, overstep, pass, pass across, pass over, pass through, stand out, surpass, top, transcend, transit.
28 go across, go by, go past, go through, move through, overhaul, overtake, pass, pass across, pass by, pass over, pass through, surpass, transit, travel by.