Переклад англійською з японської: 抱える
Словник: main
1 abide, accept, bear, brook, carry, confine, digest, endure, hold, hold back, keep back, put up, remain firm, restrain, retain, stand, stick out, stomach, suffer, support, take, take hold, tolerate.
2 accept, bear, birth, cause, consume, deliver, experience, feature, get, give, give birth, have, have got, hold, induce, ingest, let, make, own, possess, receive, stimulate, suffer, sustain, take, take in, throw.
3 accommodate, adjudge, admit, agree, apply, arrest, bear, bind, book, carry, check, concord, concur, confine, contain, control, curb, declare, deem, defend, defy, entertain, give, go for, guard, halt, harbor, harbour, have, have got, hold, hold back, hold in, hold up, keep, keep back, maintain, make, moderate, nurse, obligate, oblige, obtain, prevail, reserve, restrain, retain, support, sustain, take, take for, take hold, throw, view as, withstand.
4 acquire, adopt, assume, benefit, come up, earn, experience, find, gain, garner, gather, get, get hold, have, incur, line up, make, obtain, profit, receive, take, take on, win.
5 apprehend, becharm, beguile, bewitch, captivate, capture, catch, charm, clasp, clutch, compass, comprehend, dig, earn, enamor, enamour, enchant, entrance, fascinate, garner, get, get the picture, grab, grasp, grip, grok, hold, hold on, prehend, savvy, seize, take hold, take hold of, trance.
6 assert, asseverate, bear, bear out, carry, claim, contain, corroborate, hold, hold back, hold up, keep, keep back, keep up, maintain, prolong, retain, support, sustain, take, take hold, underpin, uphold.
8 bang, be intimate, bed, bonk, bosom, do it, eff, embrace, entertain, experience, feel, fuck, get, get it on, get laid, harbor, harbour, have, have a go at it, have intercourse, have it away, have it off, have sex, hold, hug, hump, jazz, know, lie with, love, make love, make out, nurse, receive, roll in the hay, screw, sleep together, sleep with, squeeze, take hold.
9 bear, bring, carry, conduct, confine, consume, convey, direct, enrol, enroll, enter, fill, get hold of, give, guide, have, hold, hold back, hold on, hold open, ingest, inscribe, keep, keep back, keep open, lead, maintain, make, need, occupy, read, recruit, require, restrain, retain, save, take, take hold, take in, throw, treat, want.