Переклад англійською з японської: 人となり
Словник: main
1 Base, character, fiber, fibre, foot, foundation, fundament, groundwork, nature, root, stamina, staying power, substructure, tooth root, toughness, understructure.
2 CORE, Centre, center, character, disposition, essence, fiber, fibre, gist, heart, heart and soul, inwardness, kernel, marrow, meat, nature, nitty-gritty, nub, pith, substance, sum, temperament, texture.
3 Creation, cosmos, existence, macrocosm, natural state, nature, state of nature, universe, wild, world.
4 Land, background, character, dirt, dry land, earth, fiber, fibre, ground, place, soil, solid ground, spot, terra firma, topographic point.
5 Man, hands, homo, human, human being, human beings, human race, humanity, humankind, humans, individual, mankind, manpower, men, mortal, person, personality, somebody, someone, soul, stiff, work force, workforce, world.
6 Sand, backbone, braveness, bravery, character, courage, courageousness, fiber, fibre, grit, gumption, guts, moxie, nature.
8 VIP, dignitary, high muckamuck, high-up, individualism, individuality, individuation, panjandrum, personality, very important person.
9 alphabetic character, character, disposition, fiber, fibre, grapheme, graphic symbol, letter, letter of the alphabet, temperament.
11 attribute, character, dimension, disposition, fiber, fibre, inclination, lineament, nature, personality, property, quality, tendency.
12 belief, disposition, feel, feeling, flavor, flavour, humor, humour, impression, look, mood, nature, notion, opinion, sentiment, smell, spirit, temper, tone.
13 blood, character, disposition, distinctiveness, fiber, fibre, inclination, nature, peculiarity, speciality, specialness, specialty, tendency.
14 body-build, broom handle, broomstick, build, grip, habitus, haft, handgrip, handle, helve, hilt, hold, nature, personality, physique, shaft, stalk, stem, stock.
18 capability, capableness, character, endowment, fiber, fibre, flair, genius, gift, natural endowment, nature, potentiality, quality, stuff, talent.
19 case, character, character reference, eccentric, fiber, fibre, fictional character, fictitious character, grapheme, graphic symbol, lineament, part, persona, quality, reference, role, theatrical role, type.
20 character, characteristic, custom, fiber, fibre, gender, grammatical gender, nature, sex, sexual urge, sexuality, tradition.
21 character, characteristic, feature, fiber, fibre, inscription, lettering, lineament, quality, type.
22 character, fiber, fibre, fictional character, fictitious character, grapheme, graphic symbol, nature.
23 character, fiber, fibre, identity, important person, individualism, individuality, individuation, influential person, personage, personal identity, personality.
24 character, fiber, fibre, individualism, individuality, individuation, lineament, nature, personality, quality.
26 cipher, cypher, individual, mortal, nobody, nonentity, person, personality, somebody, someone, soul.