Переклад англійською з японської: 鄙劣
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1 Lilliputian, bantam, diminutive, dull, fiddling, flyspeck, footling, humble, immature, insignificant, lesser, little, low, low-toned, lowly, midget, minor, modest, muffled, muted, niggling, peanut, petite, petty, picayune, piddling, piffling, pocket-size, pocket-sized, short, small, small-scale, softened, tiny, trivial, young.
2 Lilliputian, belittled, diminished, fiddling, footling, humble, insignificant, little, low, lowly, minor, modest, niggling, peanut, petty, picayune, piddling, piffling, pocket-size, pocket-sized, slight, small, small-scale, trivial.
3 Lilliputian, deplorable, execrable, fiddling, footling, humble, little, low, lowly, miserable, modest, niggling, petty, picayune, piddling, piffling, poor, small, trivial, woeful, wretched.
4 Lilliputian, fiddling, footling, humble, immaterial, incorporeal, indifferent, insignificant, little, low, lowly, meager, meagerly, meagre, modest, niggling, nonmaterial, peanut, petty, picayune, piddling, piffling, scrimpy, slight, small, stingy, trivial, undistinguished, unimportant.
5 Lilliputian, fiddling, footling, humble, insignificant, little, low, lowly, modest, niggling, peanut, petty, picayune, piddling, piffling, small, superficial, trivial, undistinguished, unimportant.
6 Neandertal, Neanderthal, boorish, bounderish, coarse, common, crude, earthy, gross, ill-bred, loutish, lowbred, oafish, rough-cut, rude, swinish, uncouth, underbred, vulgar, yokelish.
7 Philistine, abject, anti-intellectual, coarse, common, crude, earthy, gross, humble, low, low-down, lowly, miserable, modest, rough-cut, scummy, scurvy, small, uncouth, vulgar.
8 Scotch, bare, economical, frugal, homely, humble, low, lowly, modest, no-frills, plain, simple, small, spare, sparing, stinting, unembellished, unornamented.
9 abhorrent, awful, crude, detestable, dirty, earthy, filthy, gross, indecent, lewd, lousy, nasty, obscene, raunchy, repugnant, repulsive, salacious, unpleasant, vulgar.
10 abject, base, baseborn, bass, blue, broken, crushed, deep, depressed, despicable, dispirited, down, down in the mouth, downcast, downhearted, gloomy, grim, humble, humbled, humiliated, inadequate, little, low, low-down, low-lying, low-pitched, low-spirited, low-toned, lowly, miserable, nether, poor, scummy, scurvy, short, slimy, ugly, under, unworthy, vile, worthless, wretched.
11 abject, base, baseborn, coarse, common, crude, earthy, gross, humble, low, low-down, lowly, mean, meanspirited, miserable, modest, rough-cut, scummy, scurvy, seamy, seedy, sleazy, small, sordid, squalid, uncouth, vulgar.
12 abject, base, baseborn, crude, despicable, earthy, gross, humble, ignoble, low, low-down, lowly, mean, meanspirited, miserable, modest, scummy, scurvy, seamy, seedy, sleazy, slimy, small, sordid, squalid, ugly, ungentle, untitled, unworthy, vile, vulgar, worthless, wretched.
13 abject, base, beggarly, dastard, dastardly, deplorable, destitute, execrable, flyblown, hapless, impoverished, indigent, low, low-down, mean, meanspirited, measly, mingy, miserable, miserly, misfortunate, necessitous, needy, paltry, parsimonious, pathetic, penurious, piteous, pitiable, pitiful, poor, poverty-stricken, scummy, scurvy, slummy, sordid, squalid, suffering, tight, woeful, wretched.
14 abject, base, coarse, common, contemptible, crude, earthy, gross, humble, ignoble, low, low-down, lowly, mean, meanspirited, miserable, modest, rough-cut, scummy, scurvy, small, uncouth, vulgar.
15 abject, base, deplorable, despicable, execrable, mean, meanspirited, miserable, pathetic, pitiable, pitiful, slimy, ugly, unhopeful, unworthy, vile, woeful, worthless, wretched.
16 abject, base, despicable, dirty, filthy, humble, immoral, lousy, low, low-down, lowly, mean, meanspirited, miserable, modest, scummy, scurvy, seamy, seedy, sleazy, slimy, small, sordid, squalid, ugly, unworthy, vile, worthless, wretched.
17 abject, base, despicable, low, low-down, mean, meanspirited, miserable, negligible, scummy, scurvy, slimy, ugly, unworthy, vile, worthless, wretched.
18 abject, blue, broken, crushed, depleted, depressed, dispirited, down, down in the mouth, downcast, downhearted, gloomy, grim, humble, humbled, humiliated, low, low-down, low-pitched, low-spirited, low-toned, lowly, miserable, modest, scummy, scurvy, small.
19 abject, dastard, dastardly, despicable, low, low-down, miserable, scummy, scurvy, slimy, ugly, unworthy, vile, worthless, wretched.
23 arrant, complete, consummate, crude, crying, double-dyed, earthy, egregious, everlasting, flagrant, glaring, gross, megascopic, perfect, porcine, pure, rank, sodding, staring, stark, thoroughgoing, unadulterated, utter, vulgar.
25 average, coarse, common, commonplace, crude, earthy, fair, familiar, gross, humdrum, mediocre, middling, plebeian, prosaic, rough-cut, uncouth, unglamorous, unglamourous, unwashed, vernacular, vulgar.
26 awful, base, begrimed, cheating, contaminated, cruddy, crude, dingy, dirty, earthy, filthy, flyblown, foul, grimy, gross, grubby, grungy, lousy, marked-up, mean, meanspirited, messy, mussy, nasty, pestiferous, polluted, raunchy, smutty, sneaky, soiled, sordid, squalid, unclean, underhand, underhanded, unsporting, unsportsmanlike, vulgar.
27 awful, base, cheating, dirty, filthy, foul, humble, lousy, low, lowly, mean, meanspirited, modest, nasty, small, soiled, unclean, unsporting, unsportsmanlike.
28 awful, crude, disgustful, disgusting, distasteful, earthy, foul, gross, indecent, loathly, loathsome, nasty, repellant, repellent, repelling, revolting, skanky, vulgar, wicked, yucky.
29 bare, bland, faint, flat, flavorless, flavourless, flimsy, fragile, humble, insipid, lean, low, lowly, modest, papery, powdery, savorless, savourless, scanty, slight, small, spare, sparse, tenuous, thin, vapid, washy, watery, weak.
31 base, baseborn, bass, broken, crushed, deep, humble, humbled, humiliated, inadequate, little, low, low-lying, low-pitched, low-toned, lowly, modest, poor, short, small.
32 base, baseborn, coarse, common, crude, despicable, earthy, gross, humble, low, lowly, mean, meanspirited, modest, rough-cut, slimy, small, ugly, uncouth, unworthy, vile, vulgar, worthless, wretched.
33 base, baseborn, humble, junior-grade, low, lower-ranking, lowly, menial, modest, petty, secondary, small, subaltern.
34 base, common, materialistic, mean, meanspirited, mercenary, plebeian, unwashed, usual, vulgar, worldly-minded.
35 base, contemptible, despicable, low, mean, meanspirited, slimy, ugly, unworthy, vile, worthless, wretched.
36 base, despicable, mean, meanspirited, mingy, miserly, slimy, tight, ugly, unworthy, vile, worthless, wretched.
42 bashful, blate, humble, low, lowly, modest, reticent, retiring, self-effacing, small, unassuming, unpretentious.
43 beggarly, humble, low, lowly, mean, menial, modest, reticent, retiring, self-deprecating, self-effacing, small.
44 belittled, diminished, humble, little, low, lowly, minor, minuscule, modest, pocket-size, pocket-sized, small, small-scale.
46 bounderish, coarse, common, crude, earthy, gross, ill-bred, lowbred, rough, rough-cut, rude, uncouth, underbred, vulgar, yokelish.
47 bum, cheap, cheesy, chintzy, crude, crummy, earthy, gross, low-class, lower-class, punk, sleazy, tinny, vulgar.
48 coarse, common, commonplace, crude, earthy, gross, humdrum, non-U, plebeian, prosaic, rough-cut, uncouth, unglamorous, unglamourous, unwashed, vernacular, vulgar.
50 coarse, common, crude, earthy, gross, lowbrow, lowbrowed, rough-cut, uncouth, uncultivated, vulgar.