Переклад англійською з японської: 認許
Словник: main
2 O.K., accede, acquiesce, agree, approve, assent, back, concord, concur, defend, endorse, fend for, hold, indorse, okay, sanction, second, support.
4 O.K., accept, accredit, acknowledge, admit, allow, approve, back, countenance, endorse, grant, indorse, let, okay, permit, ratify, recognise, recognize, sanction, second, sign.
7 O.K., acclaim, admire, agree, applaud, approve, clap, concord, concur, hold, look up to, okay, praise, sanction, spat.
8 O.K., accord, allot, allow, approve, certify, countenance, grant, let, licence, license, okay, permit, sanction.
9 O.K., accredit, allow, approve, authorise, authorize, certify, clear, countenance, let, licence, license, okay, pass, permit, recognise, recognize, sanction.
10 O.K., accredit, allow, approve, countenance, excuse, exempt, forgive, free, give up, grant, let, okay, pardon, permit, relieve, remit, sanction.
12 O.K., allow, approbate, approve, authorise, authorize, clear, countenance, let, okay, pass, permit, sanction.
14 O.K., approve, excuse, exempt, forgive, free, liberate, loose, okay, pardon, release, relieve, sanction, unloose, unloosen.
15 abstain, allow, allow for, bequeath, cease, cheese, chuck up the sponge, countenance, defect, depart, desert, desist, discharge, discontinue, drop, drop by the wayside, drop off, drop out, entrust, exit, fall by the wayside, get out, give, give up, go out, hive away, knock off, lay in, lay off, lead, leave, leave alone, leave behind, leave office, lend, let, loan, permit, provide, pull up stakes, put down, put in, quit, refrain, resign, result, salt away, set down, stack away, stash away, step down, stop, store, throw in, throw in the towel, unload, will.
16 accept, accord, acknowledge, affirm, allot, allow, allow for, back, countenance, endorse, grant, indorse, know, leave, let, permit, provide, recognise, recognize, second, write.
17 acquit, assoil, authorise, authorize, brighten, bring in, clear, clear up, crystalise, crystalize, crystallise, crystallize, discharge, earn, elucidate, enlighten, exculpate, exonerate, gain, illuminate, light up, make, net, pass, pull in, realise, realize, sack, sack up, shed light on, solve, sort out, straighten out, take in, top, unclutter.
18 admit, allow, allow for, appropriate, countenance, earmark, give up, grant, leave, let, permit, provide, reserve, set aside, take into account, tolerate.
24 authorise, authorize, blow over, buy the farm, cash in one's chips, choke, clear, come about, communicate, conk, croak, decease, devolve, die, draw, drop dead, egest, elapse, eliminate, evanesce, exceed, excrete, exit, expire, extend, fade, fall, fall out, fleet, give, give-up the ghost, glide by, go, go across, go along, go by, go on, go past, go through, guide, hand, hap, happen, kick the bucket, lapse, lead, legislate, make it, make pass, occur, overhaul, overstep, overtake, pass, pass along, pass away, pass by, pass off, pass on, perish, pop off, put across, reach, return, run, sink, slide by, slip away, slip by, snuff it, spend, surpass, take place, top, transcend, travel by, turn over.
2 accreditation, authorisation, authority, authorization, countenance, empowerment, endorsement, imprimatur, indorsement, licence, license, mandate, permit, sanction, warrant.
3 admission, allowance, approval, authorisation, authorization, commendation, favorable reception, favourable reception, leave, license, mandate, permission, permit.
4 authorisation, authority, authorization, certificate, certification, credential, credentials, empowerment, license, mandate, permission, permit, sanction.
5 authorisation, authority, authorization, countenance, empowerment, endorsement, imprimatur, indorsement, leave, licence, license, mandate, permission, permit, sanction, warrant.