Переклад англійською з японської: 統御
Словник: main
2 ascertain, assure, check, check out, command, contain, control, curb, ensure, hold, hold in, insure, keep in line, manipulate, moderate, monitor, operate, see, see to it, supervise, verify.
3 ascertain, assure, check, command, contain, control, curb, ensure, hold, hold in, insure, keep in line, manipulate, master, moderate, operate, see, see to it, verify.
4 break, break in, check, command, condition, contain, control, curb, discipline, dominate, hold, hold back, hold in, keep, keep back, keep in line, manage, manipulate, master, moderate, monitor, operate, oversee, patrol, police, restrain, superintend, supervise, train, verify, will.
6 bunch, bunch up, bundle, clump, cluster, command, control, govern, keep in line, manipulate, master, rule.
7 check, contain, control, curb, dominate, govern, hold, hold in, keep in line, manipulate, master, moderate, rule.
8 command, consolidate, control, dominate, govern, incorporate, integrate, keep in line, manipulate, master, rule.
9 command, consolidate, control, govern, incorporate, integrate, order, regularise, regularize, regulate.
14 direct, govern, invigilate, manage, order, oversee, proctor, regularise, regularize, regulate, rule, superintend, supervise.
1 Bond, confinement, constraint, control, hamper, limitation, restraint, restriction, shackle, trammel.
3 Dominion, administration, control, governance, governing, government, government activity, mastery, predominance, predomination, rule, subordination.
5 administration, brass, control, establishment, governance, governing body, organisation, organization.
6 administration, care, control, direction, disposal, maintenance, management, preservation, saving, upkeep.
8 ascendance, ascendancy, ascendence, ascendency, assay, check, check-out procedure, checkout, command, concrete, control, dominance, inspection, mastery, oversight, restraint, review, superintendence, supervising, supervision, timekeeping.
9 ascendance, ascendancy, ascendence, ascendency, command, control, control condition, controller, dominance, mastery, restraint.
10 boss, control, direction, management, oversight, restraint, stage director, superintendence, supervising, supervision, supervisor, surveillance.
12 checkpoint, command, command key, control, control key, grasp, grip, guidance, mastery, restraint, steering, subordination, upper hand, whip hand.
13 consolidation, control, coordination, integration, oneness, regulating, regulation, restraint, unity.