Переклад англійською з японської: 引っ掛ける
Словник: main
1 abstract, accost, addict, cabbage, cop, crochet, filch, fleece, gazump, glom, hook, knock off, lift, nobble, overcharge, pilfer, pinch, pluck, plume, purloin, rob, snare, snarf, sneak, snitch, soak, solicit, surcharge, swipe, thieve.
2 accept, approach, attack, attempt, be, begin, catch, commence, consult, contract, cost, depend on, depend upon, devolve on, embark on, fall, flow, get, get down, go about, hang, hinge on, hinge upon, hitch, hop, put on, ride, see, set about, set out, start, start out, start up, take, turn on, undertake.
4 append, befool, bilk, catch, fool, gull, hang, hang on, hang up, hitch, hook, tack, tack on, tag on.
5 append, befool, catch, cheat, chicane, chouse, fool, gull, hang, hang on, hang up, hitch, hook, jockey, screw, shaft, tack, tack on, tag on.
9 appraise, assess, assume, befool, betray, deceive, devise, evaluate, fool, gauge, get up, gull, lead astray, machinate, measure, measure out, mensurate, organise, organize, prepare, presume, quantify, take for granted, time, valuate, value.
10 arrest, becharm, beguile, bewitch, captivate, capture, catch, catch up with, charm, enamor, enamour, enchant, entrance, fascinate, get, grab, hitch, overhear, overtake, pick up, see, take hold of, take in, trance, trip up, view, watch.
11 arse around, befool, cod, dissipate, dupe, fool, fool around, fool away, fritter, fritter away, frivol away, gull, horse around, put on, put one across, put one over, shoot, slang, take in.
12 assay, attempt, be after, befool, connive, contemplate, contrive, design, devise, ensnare, entrap, essay, fool, frame, get up, gull, intrigue, machinate, organise, organize, plan, prepare, project, scheme, seek, set about, set up, try, undertake.
14 attack, be, bear on, catch, come to, commence, concern, contract, cost, depend on, depend upon, devolve on, embark on, fall, flow, get, hang, have-to doe with, hinge on, hinge upon, hitch, pertain, refer, relate, ride, see, start, start up, take, touch, touch on, turn on.
15 attack, bear on, catch, come to, commence, concern, contract, depend on, depend upon, devolve on, embark on, fall, flow, get, hang, have-to doe with, hinge on, hinge upon, hitch, pertain, put on, refer, relate, ride, see, start, start up, take, touch, touch on, turn on.
19 beat, beat out, bilk, bowl over, bring down, bunk, crush, cut down, defeat, demolish, destroy, down, drop, fell, get the better of, knock down, knock over, overcome, overthrow, overturn, pull down, push down, shell, strike down, subvert, tip, tip over, topple, trounce, tumble, tump over, turn over, upset, vanquish.
20 beat, beat out, bilk, crush, defeat, demolish, destroy, get the better of, kill, overcome, shell, tip, topple, trounce, tumble, vanquish.
21 befool, betray, blarney, bunco, cajole, coax, con, cozen, deceive, defraud, delude, diddle, fool, gip, goldbrick, gull, gyp, hornswoggle, inveigle, lead astray, lead on, mulct, nobble, palaver, rook, scam, short-change, sweet-talk, swindle, victimize, wheedle.
22 befool, betray, bunco, cheat, chicane, chouse, con, cozen, deceive, defraud, delude, diddle, fool, gip, goldbrick, gull, gyp, hornswoggle, jockey, lead astray, lead on, lie, mulct, nobble, rook, scam, screw, shaft, short-change, swindle, victimize.
23 befool, border, circle around, circle round, coil, curl, environ, fool, furl, gull, loop, revolve around, ring, roll, roll up, skirt, surround, twine, wind, wind up, wrap.
24 befool, breed, cod, cover, dally, diddle, douse, dowse, drench, dupe, fasten, feed, feed in, fiddle, flirt, fool, gull, hang, hang up, multiply, place, play, put on, put one across, put one over, run, sit, sit down, slang, soak, sop, souse, take in, toy.
25 befool, bunco, cod, con, defraud, diddle, dupe, ensnare, entrap, fit, fool, frame, gip, goldbrick, gull, gyp, hornswoggle, mulct, nobble, put on, put one across, put one over, rook, scam, set, set up, short-change, slang, swindle, take in, victimize.