Переклад англійською з японської: 制す
Словник: main
1 abide, bear, brook, check, contain, control, curb, digest, endure, go, hold, hold in, hold out, hold up, last, live, live on, moderate, put up, stand, stick out, stomach, suffer, support, survive, tolerate.
2 accommodate, adjudge, admit, agree, apply, arrest, bear, bind, book, carry, check, concord, concur, confine, contain, control, curb, declare, deem, defend, defy, entertain, give, go for, guard, halt, harbor, harbour, have, have got, hold, hold back, hold in, hold up, keep, keep back, maintain, make, moderate, nurse, obligate, oblige, obtain, prevail, reserve, restrain, retain, support, sustain, take, take for, take hold, throw, view as, withstand.
4 agree, arrest, ascertain, assure, break, check, check into, check off, check out, check over, check up on, checker, chequer, chink, condition, contain, control, correspond, crack, curb, delay, determine, discipline, ensure, find out, fit, gibe, go over, hold, hold back, hold in, insure, jibe, learn, look into, mark, mark off, match, moderate, retard, see, see to it, stop, suss out, tally, tick, tick off, train, turn back, watch.
5 arrest, attach, book, bound, brace, check, confine, confiscate, constrain, contain, control, cumber, curb, curtail, cut back, dampen, encumber, forbid, foreclose, forestall, hold, hold back, hold in, impound, keep down, limit, moderate, muffle, preclude, prevent, quash, reduce, repress, reserve, restrain, restrict, seize, sequester, smother, stabilise, stabilize, steady, stifle, stop, strangle, subdue, subjugate, throttle, trammel, turn back.
6 arrest, bear, carry, check, comprise, contain, control, curb, hold, hold back, hold in, incorporate, moderate, stop, take, turn back.
7 arrest, block, blockade, bound, capture, catch, check, circumscribe, confine, constrain, contain, control, cumber, curb, dampen, dominate, embarrass, encumber, get, harness, hinder, hold, hold back, hold in, keep, keep back, keep in line, limit, manipulate, master, moderate, muffle, obstruct, reduce, rein, repress, restrain, restrict, rule, smother, stifle, stop, strangle, stymie, stymy, suppress, throttle, tighten, trammel, turn back.
8 ascertain, assure, check, check into, check out, check over, check up on, contain, control, curb, determine, ensure, find out, go over, hold, hold in, insure, learn, look into, manage, moderate, oversee, see, see to it, superintend, supervise, suss out, verify, watch.
9 ascertain, assure, check, check out, command, contain, control, curb, ensure, hold, hold in, insure, keep in line, manipulate, moderate, monitor, operate, see, see to it, supervise, verify.
10 ascertain, assure, check, command, contain, control, curb, ensure, hold, hold in, insure, keep in line, manipulate, master, moderate, operate, see, see to it, verify.
11 bound, check, confine, conquer, contain, control, curb, hold, hold back, hold in, inhibit, keep, keep back, limit, moderate, muffle, repress, restrain, restrict, smother, stamp down, stifle, strangle, subdue, suppress, throttle, trammel.
12 bound, check, confine, contain, control, curb, hold, hold back, hold in, keep, keep back, limit, make unnecessary, moderate, relieve, restrain, restrict, salvage, salve, save, throttle, trammel, write.
13 break, break in, check, command, condition, contain, control, curb, discipline, dominate, hold, hold back, hold in, keep, keep back, keep in line, manage, manipulate, master, moderate, monitor, operate, oversee, patrol, police, restrain, superintend, supervise, train, verify, will.
15 bunch, bunch up, bundle, clump, cluster, command, control, govern, keep in line, manipulate, master, rule.
16 chair, chasten, check, contain, control, curb, hold, hold in, lead, mince, moderate, soften, tame, temper, tone down.
18 check, conquer, contain, control, curb, curtail, cut back, hold, hold in, inhibit, moderate, restrict, stamp down, subdue, suppress.
19 check, contain, control, curb, dominate, govern, hold, hold in, keep in line, manipulate, master, moderate, rule.
20 command, consolidate, control, dominate, govern, incorporate, integrate, keep in line, manipulate, master, rule.
22 command, dominate, eclipse, master, overlook, overshadow, overtop, predominate, prevail, reign, rule.
23 conquer, control, crucify, curb, domesticate, domesticise, domesticize, dominate, domineer, get over, hold sway, inhibit, master, mortify, overcome, reclaim, stamp down, subdue, suppress, surmount, tame, tyrannise, tyrannize.
26 crush, dominate, drown, oppress, overmaster, overpower, overwhelm, press, press out, squeeze, submerge, suppress, weigh.
29 direct, govern, invigilate, manage, order, oversee, proctor, regularise, regularize, regulate, rule, superintend, supervise.