Переклад англійською з японської: 様相
Словник: main
1 DOS, Department of State, Land, Nation, State, State Department, United States Department of State, body politic, commonwealth, country, province, res publica, state of matter.
2 Phiz, aspect, bevel, cant, chamfer, countenance, end, exterior, face, facet, human face, kisser, mask, mug, outside, physiognomy, plane, sheet, side, smiler, surface, visage.
6 State, appearance, condition, feel, feeling, flavor, flavour, ghost, look, show, situation, smell, spirit, state of affairs, status, tone, touch, trace.
12 apparel, appearance, attire, clothes, dress, garb, getup, look, outfit, rig, turnout, visual aspect, wearing apparel.
13 appearance, aspect, countenance, expression, face, facial expression, human face, look, visage, visual aspect.
16 appearance, feigning, guise, look, make-believe, pretence, pretending, pretense, pretension, pretext, show, simulation, visual aspect.
19 aspect, complexion, countenance, expression, face, facial expression, look, skin color, skin colour, visage.
20 aspect, expression, face, facet, facial expression, look, panorama, prospect, scene, view, vista.
21 aspect, expression, face, facial expression, feel, feeling, flavor, flavour, look, looking, looking at, smell, spirit, tone.