Переклад англійською з японської: 意企
Словник: main
1 afford, construe, give, hear, intend, interpret, mean, read, see, think, translate, try, understand, yield.
2 aim, aspire, be after, designate, destine, draw a bead on, intend, plan, propose, purport, purpose, shoot for, specify.
3 aim, assay, attempt, be after, contemplate, contrive, design, designate, destine, essay, intend, mean, plan, plot, project, propose, purport, purpose, seek, set about, specify, think, try, undertake.
4 aim, design, designate, destine, drive, get, intend, mean, plan, propose, purport, purpose, specify, think.
6 appoint, assign, constitute, delegate, denominate, depute, designate, destine, intend, judge, label, make, name, nominate, pronounce, put forward, put up, specify, term.
7 assign, condition, define, delimit, delimitate, delineate, designate, destine, determine, fix, intend, limit, nail down, narrow, narrow down, particularise, particularize, peg down, pin down, qualify, set, set apart, specialise, specialize, specify, stipulate.
8 assign, delegate, denominate, depute, designate, destine, doom, fate, indicate, intend, point, show, specify.
9 assume, be after, believe, cerebrate, cogitate, conceive, conceive of, concoct, consider, contemplate, deal, deem, design, devise, dream up, envisage, esteem, get up, hatch, have in mind, hold, ideate, imagine, intend, look at, look on, look upon, machinate, mean, organise, organize, plan, prepare, presume, reckon, reflect, regard, regard as, repute, see, study, take, take for, take for granted, take to be, think, think about, think of, think up, view, view as.
10 assume, believe, call back, call up, cerebrate, cogitate, conceive, conjecture, consider, deem, doubt, experience, feel, find, guess, hold, hope, hypothecate, hypothesise, hypothesize, imagine, intend, love, mean, opine, presume, recall, reckon, recollect, regard, remember, retrieve, see, speculate, suppose, surmise, suspect, take for, take for granted, theorise, theorize, think, think about, trust, view, view as.
11 be, characterise, characterize, comprise, consist, constitute, cost, eavesdrop, embody, exist, feature, have, have got, hold, intend, interrelate, listen in, live, make up, mean, own, personify, possess, qualify, read, relate, represent, show, signify, stand for, take, think.