Переклад англійською з японської: 判決
Словник: main
1 Annunciation, Order, announcement, declaration, decree, edict, fiat, proclamation, promulgation, rescript.
2 Holy Order, Lodge, Order, club, decree, edict, fiat, gild, guild, monastic order, order of magnitude, ordering, orderliness, ordination, parliamentary law, parliamentary procedure, purchase order, rescript, rules of order, social club, society.
3 Justice, case, causa, cause, discernment, judgement, judgment, lawsuit, perspicacity, sagaciousness, sagacity, sound judgement, sound judgment, suit, trial.
4 Order, act, action, cognitive operation, cognitive process, decree, deed, edict, fiat, human action, human activity, mental process, operation, process, rescript.
5 Order, authorisation, authorization, behest, bid, bidding, charge, command, commission, decree, dictate, dictation, direction, directive, edict, fiat, injunction, instruction, mandate, program line, rescript, statement.
8 Order, decree, discernment, edict, fiat, judgement, judgment, judicial decision, legal opinion, opinion, perspicacity, rescript, sagaciousness, sagacity, sound judgement, sound judgment.
10 Wisdom, acuity, acumen, acuteness, discernment, insightfulness, judgement, judgment, judiciousness, keenness, sagaciousness, sagacity, sapience, sharpness, soundness, wiseness.
11 Wisdom, arrangement, assortment, categorisation, categorization, classification, compartmentalisation, compartmentalization, discernment, discretion, discrimination, judgement, judgment, perspicacity, placement, sagaciousness, sagacity, sapience, secernment, separation, sound judgement, sound judgment, wiseness.
12 Wisdom, assessment, comment, discernment, input, judgement, judgment, mind, perspicacity, remark, sagaciousness, sagacity, sound judgement, sound judgment, trial, wiseness.
13 Wisdom, brain, brainpower, discernment, imagination, judgement, judgment, judiciousness, learning ability, mental capacity, mentality, resource, resourcefulness, sagaciousness, sagacity, sapience, wiseness, wit.
14 adjudication, assessment, conclusion, decision, determination, discernment, estimate, estimation, eyes, judgement, judging, judgment, mind, perspicacity, sagaciousness, sagacity, sound judgement, sound judgment.
15 adjudication, conclusion, decision, determination, discernment, judgement, judgment, legal opinion, opinion, perspicacity, sagaciousness, sagacity, sound judgement, sound judgment.
16 adjudication, judgement, judgment, judicial decision, legal opinion, mind, opinion, perspicacity, sound judgement, sound judgment.
17 adjudicator, arbiter, arbitrator, assessment, discernment, judgement, judgment, official, officiating, officiation, perspicacity, ref, referee, refereeing, sagaciousness, sagacity, sound judgement, sound judgment, trial, ump, umpirage, umpire.
18 animadversion, censure, criticism, critique, discernment, judgement, judgment, perspicacity, sagaciousness, sagacity, sound judgement, sound judgment, unfavorable judgment.
19 appraisal, assessment, estimate, estimation, evaluation, judgement, judgment, legal opinion, opinion, rating, valuation.
20 appreciation, apprehension, discernment, discretion, judgement, judgment, perceptiveness, perspicacity, sagaciousness, sagacity, savvy, sound judgement, sound judgment, taste, understanding.
21 appreciation, discernment, hunch, insight, intuition, judgement, judgment, penetration, perceptiveness, perceptivity, sagaciousness, sagacity, sixth sense, suspicion, taste.
22 arbitrament, arbitration, arbitrement, award, awarding, judgement, judgment, legal opinion, opinion.
23 assessment, award, awarding, conclusion, decision, determination, discernment, finding, judgement, judgment, legal opinion, mind, opinion, perspicacity, sagaciousness, sagacity, sound judgement, sound judgment.
24 assessment, discernment, exam, examination, inspection, investigation, judgement, judgment, perspicacity, probe, review, sagaciousness, sagacity, sound judgement, sound judgment, test.
25 assessment, discernment, judgement, judging, judgment, judicial decision, legal opinion, mind, opinion, perspicacity, sagaciousness, sagacity, sound judgement, sound judgment.
26 astuteness, judgement, judgment, perspicaciousness, perspicacity, shrewdness, sound judgement, sound judgment.
27 belief, feeling, impression, judgement, judgment, legal opinion, notion, opinion, persuasion, popular opinion, public opinion, ruling, sentiment, thought, view, vox populi.
29 criterion, discernment, judgement, judgment, measure, opinion, perspicacity, sagaciousness, sagacity, sound judgement, sound judgment, standard, touchstone, view.
31 defect, dud, error, failing, fault, finding, flaw, judgement, judgment, judicial decision, misfire, mistake, opinion, ruling, weakness.
33 discernment, handling, judgement, judgment, manipulation, perspicacity, sagaciousness, sagacity, sound judgement, sound judgment.