Переклад англійською з японської: 討論
Словник: main
2 argue, compete, contend, contest, cope, deal, debate, fence, fight, get by, grapple, make do, make out, manage, postulate, repugn, struggle, vie.
4 argue, contend, contest, debate, deliberate, discourse, discuss, fence, hash out, reason, repugn, talk about, talk over.
5 argue, contend, debate, deliberate, discourse, discuss, fence, hash out, talk about, talk of, talk over.
8 argue, discuss, hash out, negociate, negotiate, reason, talk about, talk of, talk over, talk terms.
1 Bible, Book, Christian Bible, Good Book, Holy Scripture, Holy Writ, Logos, Scripture, Son, Word, Word of God, countersign, discussion, give-and-take, intelligence, news, parole, password, tidings, watchword, word of honor.
3 Round Table, Word, conference, dialogue, discourse, discussion, give-and-take, group discussion, negotiation, round-table conference, roundtable, talks, treatment.
4 Round Table, argument, argumentation, conference, debate, deliberation, group discussion, round-table conference, roundtable.
5 Word, arguing, argument, argumentation, contention, contestation, controversy, debate, disceptation, discourse, discussion, disputation, give-and-take, public debate, tilt, treatment.
6 Word, arguing, argument, conflict, contention, contestation, controversy, difference, difference of opinion, disceptation, discourse, discussion, disputation, dispute, give-and-take, tilt, treatment.
8 arguing, argument, argumentation, contention, contestation, controversy, debate, disceptation, disputation, dustup, public debate, quarrel, row, run-in, tilt, words, wrangle.
9 arguing, argument, argumentation, contention, contestation, controversy, debate, disceptation, disputation, line, line of reasoning, literary argument, logical argument, parameter, statement, tilt.
10 arguing, argument, battle, conflict, contention, contestation, contravention, controversy, debate, disceptation, disputation, dispute, dustup, public debate, quarrel, row, run-in, struggle, tilt, words, wrangle.