Переклад англійською з японської: 言合い
Словник: main
2 argue, compete, contend, contest, cope, deal, debate, fence, fight, get by, grapple, make do, make out, manage, postulate, repugn, struggle, vie.
4 argue, contend, contest, debate, deliberate, discourse, discuss, fence, hash out, reason, repugn, talk about, talk over.
2 ado, bicker, bickering, bother, bustle, dither, flap, flurry, fuss, hassle, hustle, pettifoggery, pother, spat, squabble, stir, tiff, tizzy, trouble.
4 antagonism, bicker, bickering, disagreement, discord, discordance, dissension, dissonance, enmity, fuss, hostility, pettifoggery, spat, squabble, strife, tiff.
5 arguing, argument, argumentation, contention, contestation, controversy, debate, disceptation, disputation, dustup, public debate, quarrel, row, run-in, tilt, words, wrangle.
6 arguing, argument, battle, conflict, contention, contestation, contravention, controversy, debate, disceptation, disputation, dispute, dustup, public debate, quarrel, row, run-in, struggle, tilt, words, wrangle.
7 arguing, argument, bicker, bickering, conflict, contention, contestation, controversy, difference, difference of opinion, disceptation, disputation, dispute, dustup, fuss, pettifoggery, quarrel, row, run-in, spat, squabble, tiff, tilt, words, wrangle.
8 arguing, argument, brush, clash, contention, contestation, controversy, disceptation, disputation, dogfight, dustup, encounter, hassle, quarrel, rough-and-tumble, row, run-in, scuffle, set-to, skirmish, tilt, tussle, words, wrangle.
9 arguing, argument, choice of words, contention, contestation, controversy, delivery, diction, disceptation, disputation, dissent, dustup, expostulation, language, linguistic communication, manner of speaking, objection, phraseology, phrasing, protest, quarrel, remonstrance, remonstration, row, run-in, speech, tilt, verbiage, wording, words, wrangle.
10 battle, bicker, bickering, combat, competition, conflict, contention, contest, fight, fighting, fuss, pettifoggery, rivalry, scrap, spat, squabble, struggle, tiff.
11 bicker, bickering, bother, complicatedness, complication, difficulty, fuss, hassle, knottiness, pettifoggery, ramification, spat, squabble, tiff, tortuousness, trouble.
12 bicker, bickering, bother, difficulty, dustup, fuss, hassle, pettifoggery, quarrel, row, run-in, spat, squabble, tiff, trouble, words, wrangle.
13 bicker, bickering, brawl, combat, contravention, dispute, dustup, fight, fighting, free-for-all, fuss, pettifoggery, quarrel, row, run-in, scrap, spat, squabble, tiff, words, wrangle.
14 bicker, bickering, brush, contact, fuss, impinging, light touch, pettifoggery, spat, squabble, striking, tiff.
16 blow, brunt, bump, collision, crash, dustup, electric shock, electrical shock, hit, jar, jolt, jounce, quarrel, row, run-in, shock, smash, words, wrangle, wreck.