Переклад англійською з японської: 見取る
Словник: main
2 acquire, ascertain, check, con, determine, discover, find out, get a line, get wind, get word, hear, instruct, larn, learn, memorise, memorize, pick up, read, see, study, take, teach, watch.
3 agnise, agnize, apprehend, catch on, cognise, cognize, compass, comprehend, cotton on, dig, discover, empathise, empathize, experience, find out, get a line, get it, get onto, get the picture, get wind, get wise, get word, grasp, grok, hear, interpret, know, latch on, learn, live, pick up, read, realise, realize, recognise, recognize, savvy, see, sympathise, sympathize, translate, tumble, twig, understand.
4 agnise, agnize, apprehend, compass, comprehend, dig, discover, empathise, empathize, experience, feel, find, find out, get a line, get the picture, get wind, get word, grasp, grok, hear, interpret, know, learn, live, perceive, pick up, read, realise, realize, recognise, recognize, savvy, see, sympathise, sympathize, translate, understand.
5 agnise, agnize, construe, discover, empathise, empathize, find out, get a line, get wind, get word, hear, interpret, learn, pick up, read, realise, realize, recognise, recognize, see, sympathise, sympathize, translate, understand.
6 agnise, agnize, detect, discover, empathise, empathize, feel, find, find out, get a line, get wind, get word, hear, infer, learn, notice, observe, pick up, prove, realise, realize, recognise, recognize, see, sympathise, sympathize, turn out, turn up, understand.
7 appeal, apprehend, arrest, attract, becharm, beguile, bewitch, captivate, capture, catch, charm, collar, comprehend, cop, enamor, enamour, enchant, ensnare, entrance, entrap, fascinate, get, intrigue, nab, nail, perceive, pick up, seize, snare, trammel, trance, trap.
8 apprehend, arrest, call for, catch, collar, collect, cop, discover, elate, find out, gain vigor, gather up, get a line, get wind, get word, hear, intoxicate, learn, lift up, nab, nail, peck, percolate, perk, perk up, pick up, receive, see, turn around, uplift.
9 apprehend, arrest, capture, catch, collar, comprehend, cop, ensnare, entrap, fascinate, get, hold, intrigue, nab, nail, perceive, pick up, snare, trammel, trap.
10 apprehend, cease, compass, complete, comprehend, conclude, construe, dig, discover, end, find out, finish, get a line, get the picture, get wind, get word, grasp, grok, hear, interpret, learn, pick up, savvy, see, stop, terminate.
11 apprehend, compass, comprehend, cover, dig, embrace, encompass, get the picture, grasp, grok, perceive, savvy.
12 ascertain, assay, assume, attempt, attend, catch, check, determine, essay, find, find out, follow, get a load, guard, have a look, keep an eye on, learn, look, look on, observe, presume, rate, search, see, seek, take a look, take care, take for granted, take in, try, try on, value, view, ward, watch, watch over, witness.
13 ascertain, assure, attend, catch, check, come across, consider, construe, control, date, determine, discover, encounter, ensure, envision, escort, examine, experience, fancy, figure, find, find out, get a line, get wind, get word, go out, go steady, go through, hear, image, insure, interpret, learn, look, meet, pick up, picture, project, realise, realize, reckon, regard, run across, run into, see, see to it, take care, take in, understand, view, visit, visualise, visualize, watch, witness.
14 ascertain, assure, behold, check, come across, control, determine, encounter, ensure, find, find out, insure, lay eyes on, learn, meet, realise, realize, run across, run into, see, see to it, understand, watch, witness.
15 ascertain, attain, bump, catch, chance, chance on, chance upon, come across, come over, come up, come upon, detect, determine, discover, encounter, fall upon, find, find out, get a line, get hold, get wind, get word, happen, happen upon, hear, learn, light upon, line up, locate, notice, observe, pick up, regain, see, situate, strike, turn up.
16 ascertain, bump, catch out, chance, come across, come over, come up, detect, determine, discover, encounter, find, find out, get a line, get hold, get wind, get word, happen, hear, learn, line up, locate, notice, observe, pick up, regain, see, situate, turn up.
17 ascertain, bump, catch out, chance, detect, determine, discover, encounter, feel, find, find out, get a line, get wind, get word, happen, hear, learn, locate, notice, observe, pick up, regain, see, seek out, situate, turn up.
18 ascertain, catch, check, consider, deal, determine, examine, find out, learn, look at, look on, see, take, take in, view, watch.
19 ascertain, catch out, check, determine, discover, find, find out, get a line, get wind, get word, hear, learn, pick up, see, watch.
20 attain, break, bring out, chance on, chance upon, come across, come upon, describe, detect, disclose, discover, distinguish, divulge, expose, fall upon, find, find out, get a line, get wind, get word, give away, happen upon, hear, identify, key, key out, learn, let on, let out, light upon, name, notice, observe, pick up, reveal, see, strike, unwrap.
21 attain, bump, chance, chance on, chance upon, come across, come up, come upon, comprehend, detect, discover, encounter, fall upon, find, get hold, happen, happen upon, light upon, line up, notice, observe, perceive, regain, sight, spy, strike.
22 attain, catch out, chance on, chance upon, come across, come upon, describe, detect, discover, distinguish, expose, fall upon, find, find out, get a line, get wind, get word, happen upon, hear, identify, key, key out, learn, light upon, locate, name, notice, observe, pick up, see, strike, turn up, uncover, unfold, unveil.
23 bemoan, bewail, comprehend, deplore, experience, feel, find, know, lament, live, perceive, regret, repent, rue.
24 bump, catch, catch out, chance, detect, discover, encounter, find, find out, get a line, get wind, get word, happen, hear, learn, locate, notice, observe, pick up, see, turn up.
26 cognise, cognize, discover, experience, feel, find, find out, get a line, get wind, get word, go through, hear, know, learn, pick up, recognise, recognize, see.
27 comprehend, discern, distinguish, make out, perceive, pick out, recognise, recognize, see through, spot, tell apart.
28 comprehend, discover, find, find out, get a line, get wind, get word, hear, learn, mark, note, notice, perceive, pick up, see.
29 comprehend, discover, find out, gather, get a line, get wind, get word, hear, learn, perceive, pick up, see.