Переклад англійською з японської: 程
Словник: main
1 Land, ambit, area, arena, compass, country, demesne, domain, extent, field, field of operation, kingdom, line of business, neighborhood, orbit, part, range, reach, realm, region, scope, sector, sphere.
4 action, beat, cadence, dance step, extent, footfall, footstep, measure, meter, metre, pace, step, stride.
5 ambit, area, arena, background, compass, domain, extent, field, grasp, orbit, range, reach, scope, sector, setting, spectrum, sphere.
8 bigness, denotation, elongation, extension, extension phone, extent, largeness, lengthiness, prolongation, reference, spread, spreading, telephone extension.
9 bound, boundary, bounds, bourn, bourne, demarcation, demarcation line, extent, limit, limitation, restriction.
14 degree, floor, gradation, grade, horizontal surface, layer, level, point, rank, spirit level, stage, step, storey, story, stratum.