Переклад англійською з японської: 束ねる
Словник: main
4 arrest, block, blockade, bound, capture, catch, check, circumscribe, confine, constrain, contain, control, cumber, curb, dampen, dominate, embarrass, encumber, get, harness, hinder, hold, hold back, hold in, keep, keep back, keep in line, limit, manipulate, master, moderate, muffle, obstruct, reduce, rein, repress, restrain, restrict, rule, smother, stifle, stop, strangle, stymie, stymy, suppress, throttle, tighten, trammel, turn back.
5 ascertain, assure, check, check out, command, contain, control, curb, ensure, hold, hold in, insure, keep in line, manipulate, moderate, monitor, operate, see, see to it, supervise, verify.
6 ascertain, assure, check, command, contain, control, curb, ensure, hold, hold in, insure, keep in line, manipulate, master, moderate, operate, see, see to it, verify.
7 break, break in, check, command, condition, contain, control, curb, discipline, dominate, hold, hold back, hold in, keep, keep back, keep in line, manage, manipulate, master, moderate, monitor, operate, oversee, patrol, police, restrain, superintend, supervise, train, verify, will.
10 bunch, bunch up, bundle, bundle up, clump, cluster, compact, pack, practice bundling, roll up, wad.
12 bunch, bunch up, bundle, clump, cluster, command, control, govern, keep in line, manipulate, master, rule.
13 bunch, bunch up, bundle, clump, cluster, enclose, enfold, envelop, enwrap, mantle, roll, roll up, twine, wind, wrap, wrap up, wreathe.
15 carry on, command, conduct, deal, direct, engineer, enjoin, lead, mastermind, orchestrate, order, organise, organize, say, tell.
18 check, contain, control, curb, dominate, govern, hold, hold in, keep in line, manipulate, master, moderate, rule.
19 clamp down, control, crack down, keep in line, manage, manipulate, master, oversee, superintend, supervise.
20 command, consolidate, control, dominate, govern, incorporate, integrate, keep in line, manipulate, master, rule.
23 command, dictate, direct, get off, mail, order, post, prescribe, require, send, send off, send out, ship, transport.
24 conquer, control, crucify, curb, domesticate, domesticise, domesticize, dominate, domineer, get over, hold sway, inhibit, master, mortify, overcome, reclaim, stamp down, subdue, suppress, surmount, tame, tyrannise, tyrannize.
25 control, cook, fake, falsify, fudge, keep in line, manipulate, misrepresent, pull strings, pull wires, rig, wangle.
31 direct, govern, invigilate, manage, order, oversee, proctor, regularise, regularize, regulate, rule, superintend, supervise.