Переклад англійською з японської: 大
Словник: main
1 A-one, ace, authoritative, bad, big, capacious, crack, first-rate, goodish, goodly, great, healthy, hefty, important, large, macroscopic, macroscopical, prominent, respectable, roomy, sizable, sizeable, spacious, super, tidy, tiptop, top-notch, topnotch, tops, untold, yawning.
2 A-one, ace, authoritative, bad, big, consuming, crack, distinguished, first-rate, important, large, overwhelming, prominent, super, tiptop, top-notch, topnotch, tops, untold.
3 Brobdingnagian, abundant, big, broad, bulky, capacious, commodious, convenient, exuberant, huge, immense, large, lush, luxuriant, profuse, riotous, spacious, vast, wide.
5 absurd, asinine, cockeyed, crackbrained, dense, derisory, dim, dull, dumb, extreme, fatuous, idiotic, inane, laughable, ludicrous, mindless, nonsensical, obtuse, preposterous, ridiculous, slow, stupid, vacuous.
6 absurd, broken, chaotic, cockeyed, confused, derisory, disordered, disorderly, excessive, extreme, helter-skelter, higgledy-piggledy, hugger-mugger, idiotic, inordinate, jumbled, laughable, ludicrous, nonsensical, preposterous, ridiculous, topsy-turvy, undue, unreasonable, upset.
7 acute, crying, egregious, enormous, excessive, extravagant, extreme, exuberant, flagrant, glaring, gross, hard, heavy, inordinate, intense, knockout, overweening, rank, severe, terrible, tremendous, undue, unreasonable, utmost, uttermost, wicked.
8 admirable, authoritative, big, eminent, great, heavy, high, high-level, high-ranking, important, large, upper-level.
9 adult, bad, big, bighearted, boastful, bounteous, bountiful, braggart, bragging, braggy, cock-a-hoop, crowing, enceinte, expectant, freehanded, full-grown, fully grown, giving, gravid, great, grown, grownup, handsome, heavy, large, liberal, magnanimous, openhanded, prominent, self-aggrandising, self-aggrandizing, swelled, vainglorious, with child.
10 ample, big, bulky, enormous, epic, exaggerated, generous, goodish, goodly, great, healthy, heavy, hefty, heroic, high, king-size, king-sized, large, large-scale, larger-than-life, magnanimous, major, massive, monolithic, monumental, outstanding, overdone, overstated, queen-size, queen-sized, respectable, serious, severe, sizable, sizeable, tall, tidy, tremendous, untold.
11 arduous, extreme, extremist, fierce, radical, straining, strenuous, tearing, trigger-happy, ultra, utmost, uttermost, vehement, violent.
12 audacious, bald-faced, barefaced, bass, big, bodacious, brassy, brazen, brazen-faced, deep, fat, insolent, large, thick.
13 big, bombastic, declamatory, enceinte, expectant, gravid, great, heavy, large, magnanimous, orotund, prominent, tumid, turgid, with child.
15 big, elephantine, extended, extensive, gargantuan, generous, giant, gigantic, high, jumbo, large, mammoth, tall.
16 big, enormous, generous, great, heavy, high, important, large, large-scale, outstanding, serious, severe, significant, strong, tall, tremendous.
19 excessive, extreme, extremist, inordinate, radical, ultra, undue, unreasonable, utmost, uttermost.