Переклад англійською з японської: 卒爾
Словник: main
5 abrupt, open, out of the blue, outspoken, overt, sudden, unanticipated, undisguised, unforeseen, unlooked-for, vocal.
6 abrupt, out of the blue, precipitous, sharp, startling, sudden, unanticipated, unforeseen, unlooked-for.
9 abstemious, easy, gentle, idle, informal, light, lightsome, lightweight, mild, soft, thoughtless, tripping, unreflective, unthinking, unthoughtful, wisplike, wispy.
10 airheaded, dizzy, empty-headed, featherbrained, foolish, giddy, light-headed, lightheaded, silly, thoughtless, unwise.
12 bad-mannered, bounderish, ill-bred, ill-mannered, lowbred, rude, sudden, underbred, unexpected, unmannered, unmannerly, yokelish.
13 brainish, daredevil, foolhardy, heady, heedless, hotheaded, impetuous, impulsive, madcap, rash, reckless, tearaway, temerarious, thoughtless.
14 carefree, devil-may-care, freewheeling, happy-go-lucky, harum-scarum, irresponsible, lumpen, lumpish, punch-drunk, silly, slaphappy, sloppy, thoughtless, unreflective, unthinking, unthoughtful.
15 careless, crazy, half-baked, half-hearted, halfhearted, irresponsible, lukewarm, moderate, screwball, softheaded, temperate, tepid.