Translation Japanese English: ずばり
Dictionary: main
1 abominably, abysmally, atrociously, awful, awfully, bad, badly, bitingly, bitter, bitterly, distressingly, dreadfully, exceedingly, extremely, frightfully, gravely, grotesquely, highly, horribly, mightily, mighty, monstrously, painfully, passing, piercingly, powerful, right, rottenly, seriously, severely, sorely, super, terribly.
4 accurately, decent, decently, exactly, in good order, incisively, just, methodically, neatly, precisely, properly, right, the right way.
5 accurately, decent, decently, exactly, in good order, incisively, just, perfectly, precisely, properly, right, the right way.
9 apparently, aright, by all odds, correctly, decidedly, definitely, doubtless, doubtlessly, emphatically, evidently, exactly, genuinely, in spades, incisively, just, justly, manifestly, obviously, on the button, on the dot, on the nose, patently, plain, plainly, precisely, rattling, real, really, right, truly, undoubtedly, unquestionably, very.
10 aright, by all odds, correctly, decidedly, definitely, emphatically, exactly, in spades, incisively, just, on the button, on the dot, on the nose, precisely, right, simply, unquestionably.
11 aright, correctly, decent, decently, flop, in good order, justly, mightily, mighty, powerful, properly, right, right on, the right way.
12 aright, correctly, exactly, flop, flush, incisively, just, just now, now, precisely, right, very.
13 at once, direct, directly, flat, forthwith, immediately, instantly, like a shot, now, right away, straight, straight off, straightaway.
14 bad, badly, dearly, exceedingly, extremely, highly, in a heartfelt way, mightily, mighty, passing, powerful, rattling, real, really, right, right smart, super, very, way.
17 big, considerably, dearly, exceedingly, extraordinarily, extremely, greatly, highly, in a heartfelt way, inordinately, mightily, mighty, outstandingly, passing, powerful, rattling, real, really, remarkably, right, sorely, substantially, super, unco, unusually, very, well.
19 by all odds, clearly, decidedly, definitely, distinctly, emphatically, exactly, firm, firmly, hard, in spades, incisively, just, precisely, securely, steadfastly, tightly, unquestionably, unwaveringly.
20 by all odds, decidedly, definitely, doubtless, doubtlessly, emphatically, exactly, genuinely, in spades, incisively, just, justifiedly, justly, on the button, on the dot, on the nose, precisely, really, rightly, truly, undoubtedly, unquestionably.
21 candidly, directly, exactly, flat, frankly, honestly, incisively, just, mightily, mighty, powerful, precisely, right, straight.
24 close, closely, exactly, flop, incisively, just, just right, precisely, right, tight, tightly, to a T, to perfection, to the letter.