Переклад англійською з японської: 頂き
Словник: main
1 Crown, Meridian, acme, apex, apogee, bloom, blossom, climax, crest, culmination, efflorescence, elevation, flawlessness, flood tide, flower, flush, head, height, heyday, ne plus ultra, peak, perfection, pinnacle, prime, summit, superlative, tip, tiptop, top, vertex.
2 Crown, Meridian, acme, apex, bill, bloom, blossom, crest, efflorescence, elevation, extremum, eyeshade, flower, flush, height, heyday, peak, pinnacle, point, prime, summit, superlative, tip, tiptop, top, vertex, visor, vizor.
3 Crown, Meridian, acme, apex, crest, elevation, head, height, pate, peak, pinnacle, point, poll, summit, superlative, tip, tiptop, top, vertex.
4 Crown, Meridian, acme, apogee, bloom, blossom, climax, coming, crest, culmination, efflorescence, elevation, flood tide, flower, flush, height, heyday, orgasm, peak, pinnacle, prime, sexual climax, summit, superlative, tip, tiptop, top.
5 Crown, Meridian, acme, beak, bill, cakehole, crest, elevation, gob, height, hit, hole, maw, neb, nib, peak, pecker, pick, pickax, pickaxe, pinnacle, spout, summit, superlative, tip, tiptop, top, trap, yap.
6 Crown, Meridian, acme, big top, circus tent, cover, crest, elevation, height, peak, pinnacle, round top, spinning top, summit, superlative, teetotum, tip, tiptop, top, top of the inning, top side, upper side, upside, whirligig.
7 Crown, Meridian, acme, crest, elevation, height, peak, pinnacle, summit, summit meeting, superlative, tip, tiptop, top.
8 Crown, acme, apex, climax, crest, flood tide, head, mountain peak, pate, peak, poll, summit, tip, top, vertex.
10 Crown, backsheesh, baksheesh, bakshis, bakshish, confidential information, crest, gratuity, hint, lead, peak, point, pourboire, steer, summit, tip, top, wind.
12 Crown, cap, crest, crownwork, diadem, jacket, jacket crown, pate, peak, pennant, poll, summit, tip, top, treetop.
15 Psyche, brain, capitulum, caput, chief, drumhead, forefront, foreland, fountainhead, head, head teacher, head word, header, heading, headland, headspring, headway, mind, nous, oral sex, pass, point, principal, promontory, question, read/write head, school principal, straits, top dog.
16 antecedence, antecedency, anteriority, end, future, futurity, head, hereafter, point, precedence, precedency, priority, prong, terminal, time to come, tip.
17 beginning, commencement, first, get-go, head, kickoff, offset, origin, outset, precept, principle, rationale, root, rootage, rule, showtime, source, start, starting time.
19 cutting edge, end, forefront, gunpoint, head, knife edge, point, pointedness, terminal, tip, vanguard.