Переклад англійською з японської: 焼く
Словник: main
1 abbreviate, abridge, bring down, burn, contract, curve, cut, cut back, cut down, cut off, dilute, disregard, edit, edit out, foreshorten, geld, hack, ignore, issue, make out, prune, rationalise, rationalize, reduce, sheer, shorten, skip, slew, slue, snub, swerve, switch off, tailor, thin, thin out, trend, trim, trim back, trim down, turn off, turn out, veer, write out.
2 arouse, burn, burn down, can, discharge, dismiss, displace, elicit, enkindle, evoke, fire, force out, fuel, give notice, give the axe, give the sack, go off, kindle, open fire, provoke, raise, sack, send away, terminate.
7 bite, burn, burn down, burn off, burn up, cauterise, cauterize, combust, cut, fire, glow, incinerate, sting, sunburn.