Переклад англійською з японської: 洞察力
Словник: main
1 Justice, case, causa, cause, discernment, judgement, judgment, lawsuit, perspicacity, sagaciousness, sagacity, sound judgement, sound judgment, suit, trial.
2 Order, decree, discernment, edict, fiat, judgement, judgment, judicial decision, legal opinion, opinion, perspicacity, rescript, sagaciousness, sagacity, sound judgement, sound judgment.
4 Wisdom, acuity, acumen, acuteness, discernment, insightfulness, judgement, judgment, judiciousness, keenness, sagaciousness, sagacity, sapience, sharpness, soundness, wiseness.
5 Wisdom, arrangement, assortment, categorisation, categorization, classification, compartmentalisation, compartmentalization, discernment, discretion, discrimination, judgement, judgment, perspicacity, placement, sagaciousness, sagacity, sapience, secernment, separation, sound judgement, sound judgment, wiseness.
6 Wisdom, assessment, comment, discernment, input, judgement, judgment, mind, perspicacity, remark, sagaciousness, sagacity, sound judgement, sound judgment, trial, wiseness.
7 Wisdom, brain, brainpower, discernment, imagination, judgement, judgment, judiciousness, learning ability, mental capacity, mentality, resource, resourcefulness, sagaciousness, sagacity, sapience, wiseness, wit.
8 acknowledgement, acknowledgment, appreciation, awareness, cognisance, cognition, cognizance, consciousness, discernment, identification, knowingness, knowledge, noesis, perception, perceptiveness, realisation, realization, recognition, taste.
9 adjudication, assessment, conclusion, decision, determination, discernment, estimate, estimation, eyes, judgement, judging, judgment, mind, perspicacity, sagaciousness, sagacity, sound judgement, sound judgment.
10 adjudication, conclusion, decision, determination, discernment, judgement, judgment, legal opinion, opinion, perspicacity, sagaciousness, sagacity, sound judgement, sound judgment.
11 adjudicator, arbiter, arbitrator, assessment, discernment, judgement, judgment, official, officiating, officiation, perspicacity, ref, referee, refereeing, sagaciousness, sagacity, sound judgement, sound judgment, trial, ump, umpirage, umpire.
13 animadversion, censure, criticism, critique, discernment, judgement, judgment, perspicacity, sagaciousness, sagacity, sound judgement, sound judgment, unfavorable judgment.
14 appreciation, apprehension, discernment, discretion, judgement, judgment, perceptiveness, perspicacity, sagaciousness, sagacity, savvy, sound judgement, sound judgment, taste, understanding.
15 appreciation, avocation, by-line, discernment, druthers, hobby, perceptiveness, preference, pursuit, sideline, spare-time activity, taste.
17 appreciation, discernment, estimate, estimation, grasp, hold, opinion, perceptiveness, persuasion, sentiment, taste, thought, view.
18 appreciation, discernment, flavor, flavour, gustation, gustatory modality, gustatory perception, gustatory sensation, liking, perceptiveness, sense of taste, taste, taste perception, taste sensation.
19 appreciation, discernment, gustation, gustatory modality, gustatory perception, gustatory sensation, mouthful, penchant, perceptiveness, predilection, preference, sense of taste, taste, taste perception, taste sensation, tasting.
20 appreciation, discernment, gustatory perception, gustatory sensation, heist, perceptiveness, rip-off, taste, taste perception, taste sensation.
21 appreciation, discernment, hunch, insight, intuition, judgement, judgment, penetration, perceptiveness, perceptivity, sagaciousness, sagacity, sixth sense, suspicion, taste.
22 arriere pensee, doubt, doubtfulness, dubiety, dubiousness, hunch, incertitude, intuition, mental reservation, precariousness, reservation, suspicion, uncertainness, uncertainty.
23 assessment, award, awarding, conclusion, decision, determination, discernment, finding, judgement, judgment, legal opinion, mind, opinion, perspicacity, sagaciousness, sagacity, sound judgement, sound judgment.
24 assessment, discernment, exam, examination, inspection, investigation, judgement, judgment, perspicacity, probe, review, sagaciousness, sagacity, sound judgement, sound judgment, test.
25 assessment, discernment, judgement, judging, judgment, judicial decision, legal opinion, mind, opinion, perspicacity, sagaciousness, sagacity, sound judgement, sound judgment.
30 comprehension, dignity, discernment, discretion, insight, judgement, judgment, mind, penetration, pride, pridefulness, self-regard, self-respect, self-worth.
31 criterion, discernment, judgement, judgment, measure, opinion, perspicacity, sagaciousness, sagacity, sound judgement, sound judgment, standard, touchstone, view.
32 disbelief, doubt, doubtfulness, dubiety, dubiousness, hunch, incertitude, intuition, precariousness, suspicion, unbelief, uncertainness, uncertainty.
34 discernment, handling, judgement, judgment, manipulation, perspicacity, sagaciousness, sagacity, sound judgement, sound judgment.
35 discernment, judgement, judgment, penalisation, penalization, penalty, perspicacity, punishment, sagaciousness, sagacity, sound judgement, sound judgment.