Переклад англійською з японської: 気が付く
Словник: main
3 agnise, agnize, apprehend, compass, comprehend, dig, discover, empathise, empathize, experience, feel, find, find out, get a line, get the picture, get wind, get word, grasp, grok, hear, interpret, know, learn, live, perceive, pick up, read, realise, realize, recognise, recognize, savvy, see, sympathise, sympathize, translate, understand.
4 appeal, apprehend, arrest, attract, becharm, beguile, bewitch, captivate, capture, catch, charm, collar, comprehend, cop, enamor, enamour, enchant, ensnare, entrance, entrap, fascinate, get, intrigue, nab, nail, perceive, pick up, seize, snare, trammel, trance, trap.
5 apprehend, arrest, capture, catch, collar, comprehend, cop, ensnare, entrap, fascinate, get, hold, intrigue, nab, nail, perceive, pick up, snare, trammel, trap.
6 apprehend, compass, comprehend, cover, dig, embrace, encompass, get the picture, grasp, grok, perceive, savvy.
7 attain, bump, chance, chance on, chance upon, come across, come up, come upon, comprehend, detect, discover, encounter, fall upon, find, get hold, happen, happen upon, light upon, line up, notice, observe, perceive, regain, sight, spy, strike.
8 bemoan, bewail, comprehend, deplore, experience, feel, find, know, lament, live, perceive, regret, repent, rue.
9 brand, check, check off, commemorate, cross off, cross out, denounce, differentiate, distinguish, grade, label, mark, mark off, nock, note, notice, pit, pock, punctuate, scar, score, set, stigmatise, stigmatize, strike off, strike out, tag, tick, tick off.
13 comprehend, discern, distinguish, make out, perceive, pick out, recognise, recognize, see through, spot, tell apart.
14 comprehend, discover, find, find out, get a line, get wind, get word, hear, learn, mark, note, notice, perceive, pick up, see.