Translation Japanese English: 寛容
Dictionary: main
1 Grace, benefaction, benevolence, good will, goodwill, largess, largesse, magnanimity, munificence, openhandedness.
2 acceptance, forbearance, longanimity, patience, permissiveness, sufferance, tolerance, toleration.
4 cerebration, forgiveness, idea, inclination, inclining, intellection, mentation, pardon, permissiveness, thinking, thought, thought process, tolerance.
6 considerateness, consideration, generosity, generousness, largess, largesse, magnanimity, munificence, openhandedness, permissiveness, thoughtfulness, tolerance, unselfishness.
2 abounding, abundant, ample, arable, bountiful, copious, cultivable, cultivatable, fat, fertile, galore, generous, plenteous, plentiful, productive, rich, tillable.
3 across-the-board, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-inclusive, blanket, broad, encompassing, extensive, full, large-minded, liberal, panoptic, spacious, tolerant, unspecific, unsubtle, wide.
4 adult, bad, big, bighearted, boastful, bounteous, bountiful, braggart, bragging, braggy, cock-a-hoop, crowing, enceinte, expectant, freehanded, full-grown, fully grown, giving, gravid, great, grown, grownup, handsome, heavy, large, liberal, magnanimous, openhanded, prominent, self-aggrandising, self-aggrandizing, swelled, vainglorious, with child.
5 affable, affectionate, amiable, benevolent, charitable, cordial, fond, genial, good-hearted, kind, kindly, large-hearted, lovesome, openhearted, sympathetic, tender, warm.
6 affable, affectionate, amiable, cordial, couthie, couthy, fond, genial, good-humored, good-humoured, gracious, kind, lovable, loveable, lovesome, tender, thoughtful, tolerant, warm.
7 all right, bang-up, beautiful, benevolent, brilliant, bully, charitable, corking, correct, cracking, dandy, decent, fine, good, good-hearted, great, groovy, hunky-dory, just, keen, kindly, large-hearted, neat, nice, nifty, not bad, o.k., ok, okay, openhearted, peachy, pleasant, right, ripe, satisfactory, serious, slap-up, smashing, stunning, superb, swell, sympathetic, undecomposed, unspoiled, unspoilt, upright, well.
8 ample, big, bulky, enormous, epic, exaggerated, generous, goodish, goodly, great, healthy, heavy, hefty, heroic, high, king-size, king-sized, large, large-scale, larger-than-life, magnanimous, major, massive, monolithic, monumental, outstanding, overdone, overstated, queen-size, queen-sized, respectable, serious, severe, sizable, sizeable, tall, tidy, tremendous, untold.
9 appealing, benevolent, charitable, good-hearted, harmonic, kindly, large-hearted, likable, likeable, openhearted, sympathetic.
11 assailable, blatant, blazing, candid, conspicuous, expansive, exposed, extroverted, extrovertish, forthcoming, heart-to-heart, hospitable, open, open-ended, open-minded, opened, outgoing, overt, talkative, unbarred, unbolted, unconcealed, undecided, undefendable, undefended, undetermined, undone, unfastened, unlatched, unlocked, unresolved, unsecured, up.
12 balmy, cushy, delicate, diffuse, diffused, easy, easygoing, flabby, flaccid, gentle, indulgent, lenient, mild, piano, soft, sonant, subdued, voiced.
13 beneficent, benevolent, charitable, eleemosynary, freehearted, good-hearted, kindly, large-hearted, openhearted, philanthropic, sympathetic.
14 beneficial, benevolent, charitable, correct, fair, glad, good, good-hearted, hearty, honest, kindly, large-hearted, openhearted, right, ripe, salutary, satisfying, serious, solid, sound, square, substantial, sympathetic, undecomposed, unspoiled, unspoilt, well.
15 benevolent, benignant, charitable, compassionate, good-hearted, gracious, kindly, large-hearted, merciful, openhearted, sympathetic.
16 benevolent, big, broad, charitable, generous, good-hearted, hospitable, indulgent, kind, kindly, large, large-hearted, large-minded, lenient, liberal, magnanimous, openhearted, patient of, soft, sympathetic, tolerant.
17 benevolent, big, charitable, generous, good-hearted, greathearted, indulgent, kind, kindly, large, large-hearted, lenient, magnanimous, openhearted, soft, sympathetic, tolerant.
18 big, bighearted, bounteous, bountiful, broad, free, freehanded, giving, handsome, large-minded, liberal, loose, openhanded, tolerant.
19 big, bombastic, declamatory, enceinte, expectant, gravid, great, heavy, large, magnanimous, orotund, prominent, tumid, turgid, with child.
21 big, elephantine, extended, extensive, gargantuan, generous, giant, gigantic, high, jumbo, large, mammoth, tall.
22 big, enormous, generous, great, heavy, high, important, large, large-scale, outstanding, serious, severe, significant, strong, tall, tremendous.
26 enamored, fresh, in love, indulgent, infatuated, lenient, permissive, potty, smitten, soft, soft on, sugared, sweet, sweet-flavored, sweetened, taken with, unfermented.