Переклад англійською з японської: 天地
Словник: main
2 Creation, Man, cosmos, domain, earth, earthly concern, existence, globe, human beings, human race, humanity, humankind, humans, macrocosm, mankind, populace, public, reality, universe, world, worldly concern.
4 Creation, conception, cosmos, creative activity, existence, foundation, founding, initiation, innovation, instauration, institution, introduction, macrocosm, origination, universe, world.
6 Creation, cosmos, existence, macrocosm, natural state, nature, state of nature, universe, wild, world.
10 Land, air division, area, arena, bailiwick, department, discipline, division, domain, field, field of operation, field of operations, field of study, kingdom, line of business, naval division, orbit, part, partition, partitioning, realm, section, sectionalisation, sectionalization, segmentation, sphere, study, subject, subject area, subject field, theater, theater of operations, theatre, theatre of operations, variance.
11 ambit, area, arena, background, clock dial, clock face, compass, domain, field, orbit, range, reach, scope, sector, setting, sphere.
12 area, arena, celestial sphere, domain, empyrean, field, firmament, heavens, orbit, sector, sphere, sphere of influence, vault of heaven, welkin.