Translation Japanese English: 隔たり
Dictionary: main
1 60 minutes, clock time, fourth dimension, hour, hr, interval, minute, patch, period, period of time, piece, span, spell, time, time interval, time of day, time period, while.
2 Hades, Hell, Scheol, abysm, abyss, deep, disconnect, disconnection, gulf, infernal region, netherworld, underworld.
3 SHAPE, agency, fashion, form, interval, manner, means, mode, musical interval, personal manner, style, time interval, way.
4 aloofness, difference, disconnect, disconnection, distance, gap, gulf, interval, length, spread, time interval.
7 banquet, bed cover, bed covering, bedcover, bedspread, cattle farm, cattle ranch, counterpane, facing pages, feast, gap, paste, ranch, scatter, spread, spread head, spreadhead, spreading.
9 break, distance, gap, human relationship, intermission, interruption, interval, musical interval, opening, patch, pause, piece, relation, relationship, room, space, span, spell, suspension, time interval, while.
11 conflict, departure, deviation, difference, difference of opinion, dispute, divergence, remainder.
12 conflict, difference, difference of opinion, disagreement, discord, discordance, discrepancy, dispute, dissension, dissonance, divergence, division, incompatibility, inconsistency, mutual exclusiveness, repugnance, strife, variance.
13 contrast, demarcation, difference, disagreement, discrepancy, disparity, divergence, dividing line, fluctuation, gap, line, spread, variance, variation.
14 contrast, difference, direct contrast, disagreement, discrepancy, divergence, gap, remainder, spread, variance.
16 difference, disagreement, discrepancy, dissimilitude, divergence, gap, spread, unlikeness, variance.
24 duration, geological period, interval, length, patch, period, period of time, piece, span, spell, term, time interval, time period, while.