Translation Japanese English: 身分
Dictionary: main
1 C. W. Post, Charles William Post, Emily Post, Emily Price Post, Post, Wiley Post, berth, billet, letter box, mail, mailbox, office, place, position, postbox, situation, spot.
2 C. W. Post, Charles William Post, Emily Post, Emily Price Post, Post, Wiley Post, berth, billet, mail, mail service, military post, office, place, position, postal service, situation, spot, stake, station.
4 Lot, circumstances, destiny, fate, fortune, luck, place, portion, position, shoes, situation, state of affairs.
5 Mark, categorisation, categorization, class, classification, division, grade, level, rank, score, tier.
6 Mark, category, class, course, division, family, form, grade, level, rank, score, social class, socio-economic class, stratum, tier.
8 Post, agency, authority, berth, billet, bureau, business office, federal agency, function, government agency, office, office staff, part, place, position, power, role, situation, spot.
9 Post, attitude, berth, billet, emplacement, lieu, locating, location, military position, office, perspective, place, placement, position, positioning, posture, side, situation, spatial relation, spot, stance, status, stead, view.
10 Post, berth, billet, bit, blot, dapple, daub, fleck, maculation, office, patch, pip, place, point, position, situation, slur, smear, smirch, smudge, speckle, spot, spotlight, stain, topographic point, touch.
11 Post, berth, billet, blank space, home, lieu, office, piazza, place, plaza, position, property, seat, shoes, situation, space, spot, station, stead, topographic point.
12 Post, berth, billet, blank space, land site, lieu, location, office, place, point, position, property, regard, respect, seat, shoes, site, situation, space, spot, station, stead.
13 Post, berth, billet, built in bed, bunk, moorage, mooring, office, place, position, situation, slip, spot.
14 Post, berth, billet, emplacement, locating, location, military position, office, place, placement, position, positioning, posture, side, situation, spatial relation, spot, stance, station, status.
15 Post, berth, billet, grade, hangout, haunt, junk shop, level, office, perspective, place, point of view, position, posture, repair, resort, shoes, side, situation, spot, stamping ground, stance, stand, standpoint, station, tier, view, viewpoint.
16 Post, berth, billet, grade, level, office, place, position, rank, situation, social rank, social station, social status, spot, standing, station, tier.
22 category, class, family, grade, level, rank, social class, social rank, social station, social status, socio-economic class, stratum, tier.
23 circumstance, condition, consideration, place, precondition, provision, proviso, station, status, stipulation, term.
24 condition, emplacement, locating, location, placement, position, positioning, site, situation, state of affairs, status.