Переклад англійською з японської: 趣味
Словник: main
1 Chase, avocation, by-line, following, hobby, interest, pastime, pursual, pursuance, pursuit, quest, sideline, spare-time activity.
2 Falco subbuteo, avocation, by-line, hobby, hobbyhorse, pursuit, rocking horse, sideline, spare-time activity.
3 acknowledgement, acknowledgment, appreciation, awareness, cognisance, cognition, cognizance, consciousness, discernment, identification, knowingness, knowledge, noesis, perception, perceptiveness, realisation, realization, recognition, taste.
5 advantage, benefit, exclusive right, perquisite, preference, prerogative, privilege, reward, welfare.
7 appreciation, apprehension, discernment, discretion, judgement, judgment, perceptiveness, perspicacity, sagaciousness, sagacity, savvy, sound judgement, sound judgment, taste, understanding.
8 appreciation, avocation, by-line, discernment, druthers, hobby, perceptiveness, preference, pursuit, sideline, spare-time activity, taste.
10 appreciation, discernment, estimate, estimation, grasp, hold, opinion, perceptiveness, persuasion, sentiment, taste, thought, view.
11 appreciation, discernment, flavor, flavour, gustation, gustatory modality, gustatory perception, gustatory sensation, liking, perceptiveness, sense of taste, taste, taste perception, taste sensation.
12 appreciation, discernment, gustation, gustatory modality, gustatory perception, gustatory sensation, mouthful, penchant, perceptiveness, predilection, preference, sense of taste, taste, taste perception, taste sensation, tasting.
13 appreciation, discernment, gustatory perception, gustatory sensation, heist, perceptiveness, rip-off, taste, taste perception, taste sensation.
14 appreciation, discernment, hunch, insight, intuition, judgement, judgment, penetration, perceptiveness, perceptivity, sagaciousness, sagacity, sixth sense, suspicion, taste.