Translation Japanese English: 言及
Dictionary: main
2 abide by, celebrate, detect, discover, find, follow, honor, honour, keep, keep an eye on, maintain, mention, note, notice, observe, remark, respect, take note, watch, watch over.
3 acknowledge, advert, appoint, bring up, cite, constitute, know, list, mention, name, nominate, recognise, recognize, refer, reference, style, title.
4 adjoin, advert, bring up, broadcast, circularise, circularize, circulate, cite, contact, diffuse, disperse, disseminate, distribute, meet, mention, name, pass around, proclaim, propagate, refer, spread, touch, touch on.
7 advert, appoint, bring up, call, cite, constitute, describe, diagnose, discover, distinguish, identify, key, key out, list, make, mention, name, nominate, refer.
8 advert, arouse, boot, bring up, call down, call forth, cite, conjure, conjure up, elevate, evoke, get up, invoke, lift, mention, name, nurture, parent, put forward, raise, rear, reboot, refer, stir.
9 advert, ask out, bring up, cite, invite out, mention, name, quote, refer, reference, summon, summons, take out.
10 advert, bear on, bring up, cite, come to, concern, consult, denote, have-to doe with, look up, mention, name, pertain, refer, relate, touch, touch on.
1 Citation, acknowledgment, address, book of facts, character, character reference, cite, computer address, consultation, credit, denotation, extension, mention, point of reference, quotation, reference, reference book, reference point, reference work, source.
2 Citation, acknowledgment, affair, cite, consultation, credit, matter, mention, quotation, reference, source, thing.