Translation Japanese English: 痛も
Dictionary: main
1 a good deal, a great deal, a lot, abundantly, boiling, considerably, copiously, extravagantly, exuberantly, frequently, lots, much, oft, often, oftentimes, ofttimes, profusely, riotously, substantially, very much, well.
2 a good deal, a great deal, a lot, abundantly, copiously, extravagantly, hard, lots, much, often, profusely, very much.
3 a good deal, a great deal, a lot, alarmingly, bad, badly, considerably, downright, exceedingly, extremely, greatly, heavily, high, immensely, lots, much, often, outstandingly, passing, rattling, real, really, remarkably, substantially, super, to a great extent, unco, unusually, vastly, very, very much, well, widely.
4 a good deal, a great deal, a lot, all, altogether, amply, completely, entirely, fully, lots, much, totally, very much, whole, wholly.
5 a good deal, a great deal, a lot, awful, awfully, considerably, exceedingly, extremely, frightfully, greatly, highly, lots, much, outstandingly, passing, rattling, real, really, remarkably, substantially, super, terribly, unco, unusually, very, very much, well.
6 a good deal, a great deal, a lot, awful, awfully, considerably, extremely, frightfully, greatly, highly, immensely, lots, much, rattling, real, really, substantially, terribly, vastly, very, very much, well.
7 a good deal, a great deal, a lot, awful, awfully, exceedingly, extremely, fairly, frightfully, highly, jolly, kind of, kinda, lots, middling, moderately, much, passably, passing, pretty, quite, quite a, quite an, rather, rattling, real, really, reasonably, somewhat, sort of, super, terribly, very, very much.
8 a good deal, a great deal, a lot, badly, extremely, gravely, hard, highly, lots, much, seriously, severely, very much.
9 a good deal, a great deal, a lot, considerably, extremely, greatly, heavily, highly, kind of, kinda, lots, much, quite, quite a, quite an, rather, rattling, real, really, sort of, substantially, to a great extent, very, very much, well.
10 a good deal, a great deal, a lot, deeply, lots, more, much, profoundly, to a greater extent, very much.
12 abominably, abysmally, atrociously, awful, awfully, bad, badly, bitingly, bitter, bitterly, distressingly, dreadfully, exceedingly, extremely, frightfully, gravely, grotesquely, highly, horribly, mightily, mighty, monstrously, painfully, passing, piercingly, powerful, right, rottenly, seriously, severely, sorely, super, terribly.
13 abominably, abysmally, atrociously, awful, awfully, dismally, dreadfully, extremely, frightfully, highly, rottenly, terribly.
14 abominably, abysmally, atrociously, awful, awfully, dreadfully, extremely, frightfully, greatly, highly, horribly, immensely, rattling, real, really, rottenly, terribly, vastly, very.
15 abominably, abysmally, atrociously, awful, awfully, frightfully, kind of, kinda, rather, rottenly, sort of, terribly.
16 all too, ever, ever so, extremely, genuinely, greatly, highly, indeed, only too, quite, quite a, quite an, rattling, real, really, so, such, truly, very.
17 awful, awfully, considerably, enormously, exceedingly, extremely, frightfully, greatly, hard, highly, hugely, immensely, outstandingly, passing, rattling, real, really, remarkably, severely, staggeringly, substantially, super, terribly, tremendously, unco, unusually, vastly, very, well.
18 awful, awfully, cursedly, damnably, damned, frightfully, funnily, oddly, queerly, strangely, terribly.
19 awful, awfully, enormously, frightfully, genuinely, hugely, indeed, rattling, real, really, so, staggeringly, terribly, tremendously, truly, very.
20 awful, awfully, ever, ever so, exceedingly, extremely, frightfully, highly, outstandingly, passing, phenomenally, rattling, real, really, remarkably, super, terribly, unco, unusually, very.
21 awful, awfully, exceedingly, extremely, frightfully, highly, passing, rattling, real, really, so, super, terribly, very.
24 bad, badly, dearly, exceedingly, extremely, highly, in a heartfelt way, mightily, mighty, passing, powerful, rattling, real, really, right, right smart, super, very, way.
25 big, considerably, dearly, exceedingly, extraordinarily, extremely, greatly, highly, in a heartfelt way, inordinately, mightily, mighty, outstandingly, passing, powerful, rattling, real, really, remarkably, right, sorely, substantially, super, unco, unusually, very, well.
26 considerably, exceedingly, extremely, greatly, highly, most, passing, rattling, real, really, substantially, super, to the highest degree, very, well.