Translation Japanese English: 甚
Dictionary: main
1 O.K., a great deal, advantageously, all right, alright, amply, extremely, frequently, fully, good, highly, intimately, much, oft, often, oftentimes, ofttimes, okay, skilfully, skillfully, well.
2 a good deal, a great deal, a lot, abundantly, boiling, considerably, copiously, extravagantly, exuberantly, frequently, lots, much, oft, often, oftentimes, ofttimes, profusely, riotously, substantially, very much, well.
3 a good deal, a great deal, a lot, alarmingly, bad, badly, considerably, downright, exceedingly, extremely, greatly, heavily, high, immensely, lots, much, often, outstandingly, passing, rattling, real, really, remarkably, substantially, super, to a great extent, unco, unusually, vastly, very, very much, well, widely.
4 a good deal, a great deal, a lot, awful, awfully, considerably, exceedingly, extremely, frightfully, greatly, highly, lots, much, outstandingly, passing, rattling, real, really, remarkably, substantially, super, terribly, unco, unusually, very, very much, well.
5 a good deal, a great deal, a lot, awful, awfully, considerably, extremely, frightfully, greatly, highly, immensely, lots, much, rattling, real, really, substantially, terribly, vastly, very, very much, well.
6 a good deal, a great deal, a lot, awful, awfully, exceedingly, extremely, fairly, frightfully, highly, jolly, kind of, kinda, lots, middling, moderately, much, passably, passing, pretty, quite, quite a, quite an, rather, rattling, real, really, reasonably, somewhat, sort of, super, terribly, very, very much.
7 a good deal, a great deal, a lot, badly, extremely, gravely, hard, highly, lots, much, seriously, severely, very much.
8 a good deal, a great deal, a lot, considerably, extremely, greatly, heavily, highly, kind of, kinda, lots, much, quite, quite a, quite an, rather, rattling, real, really, sort of, substantially, to a great extent, very, very much, well.
9 abnormally, anomalously, extraordinarily, inordinately, outstandingly, remarkably, unco, unusually.
10 abominably, abysmally, atrociously, awful, awfully, bad, badly, bitingly, bitter, bitterly, distressingly, dreadfully, exceedingly, extremely, frightfully, gravely, grotesquely, highly, horribly, mightily, mighty, monstrously, painfully, passing, piercingly, powerful, right, rottenly, seriously, severely, sorely, super, terribly.
11 abominably, abysmally, atrociously, awful, awfully, dismally, dreadfully, extremely, frightfully, highly, rottenly, terribly.
12 abominably, abysmally, atrociously, awful, awfully, dreadfully, extremely, frightfully, greatly, highly, horribly, immensely, rattling, real, really, rottenly, terribly, vastly, very.
13 abominably, abysmally, atrociously, awful, awfully, frightfully, kind of, kinda, rather, rottenly, sort of, terribly.
14 abundantly, at length, bounteously, bountifully, copiously, extravagantly, generously, handsomely, immensely, in detail, lengthily, liberally, lingeringly, luxuriantly, munificently, plenteously, plentifully, profusely, protractedly, unstintingly, vastly, wealthily.
15 abundantly, at length, considerably, copiously, extravagantly, lengthily, lingeringly, profusely, protractedly, substantially, well.
16 abundantly, bounteously, bountifully, comfortably, considerably, copiously, extravagantly, generously, handsomely, immensely, liberally, luxuriantly, munificently, plenteously, plentifully, profusely, prosperously, substantially, vastly, well.
17 abundantly, bounteously, bountifully, considerably, copiously, extravagantly, generously, lavishly, liberally, luxuriantly, munificently, plenteously, plentifully, profusely, substantially, unstintingly, well.
18 abundantly, considerably, copiously, extravagantly, exuberantly, luxuriantly, profusely, riotously, substantially, well.
19 actually, as a matter of fact, as it is, in fact, in point of fact, in reality, in truth, rattling, real, really, truly, very.
20 actually, as a matter of fact, genuinely, in fact, in point of fact, in truth, indeed, rattling, real, really, so, truly, very.
21 actually, earnestly, genuinely, in earnest, indeed, rattling, real, really, seriously, so, truly, very, vitally.
22 actually, genuinely, in practice, in truth, indeed, quite, quite a, quite an, rattling, real, really, so, truly, very.
24 acutely, aggressively, badly, gravely, hard, seriously, severely, sharply, sorely, sternly, strongly, wildly.
25 admirably, commendable, extremely, highly, laudably, marvellously, marvelously, praiseworthily, superbly, terrifically, toppingly, wonderfully, wondrous, wondrously.
26 advantageously, advertently, all, altogether, comfortably, completely, considerably, entirely, good, heedfully, intimately, mindfully, palatably, smoothly, substantially, swimmingly, totally, well, whole, wholly.
28 all, altogether, amply, completely, entirely, fully, hard, severely, sufficiently, totally, whole, wholly.
29 all, altogether, by nature, completely, entirely, naturally, rattling, real, really, totally, very, whole, wholly.
30 all too, ever, ever so, extremely, genuinely, greatly, highly, indeed, only too, quite, quite a, quite an, rattling, real, really, so, such, truly, very.
31 apparently, aright, by all odds, correctly, decidedly, definitely, doubtless, doubtlessly, emphatically, evidently, exactly, genuinely, in spades, incisively, just, justly, manifestly, obviously, on the button, on the dot, on the nose, patently, plain, plainly, precisely, rattling, real, really, right, truly, undoubtedly, unquestionably, very.
32 apparently, evidently, genuinely, indeed, manifestly, obviously, patently, plain, plainly, rattling, real, really, so, truly, very.
33 appreciably, considerably, extremely, fairly, highly, jolly, kind of, kinda, middling, moderately, passably, pretty, quite, rather, reasonably, somewhat, sort of, substantially, well.
34 appreciably, considerably, markedly, outstandingly, remarkably, signally, significantly, strikingly, substantially, unco, unmistakably, unusually, well.
35 appreciably, extremely, fabulously, fantastically, highly, incredibly, rattling, real, really, very.
37 awful, awfully, considerably, enormously, exceedingly, extremely, frightfully, greatly, hard, highly, hugely, immensely, outstandingly, passing, rattling, real, really, remarkably, severely, staggeringly, substantially, super, terribly, tremendously, unco, unusually, vastly, very, well.
38 awful, awfully, cursedly, damnably, damned, frightfully, funnily, oddly, queerly, strangely, terribly.
39 awful, awfully, enormously, frightfully, genuinely, hugely, indeed, rattling, real, really, so, staggeringly, terribly, tremendously, truly, very.
40 awful, awfully, ever, ever so, exceedingly, extremely, frightfully, highly, outstandingly, passing, phenomenally, rattling, real, really, remarkably, super, terribly, unco, unusually, very.
41 awful, awfully, exceedingly, extremely, frightfully, highly, passing, rattling, real, really, so, super, terribly, very.
44 bad, badly, dearly, exceedingly, extremely, highly, in a heartfelt way, mightily, mighty, passing, powerful, rattling, real, really, right, right smart, super, very, way.
45 badly, considerably, earnestly, gravely, in earnest, seriously, severely, soberly, solemnly, staidly, substantially, well.
46 big, considerably, dearly, exceedingly, extraordinarily, extremely, greatly, highly, in a heartfelt way, inordinately, mightily, mighty, outstandingly, passing, powerful, rattling, real, really, remarkably, right, sorely, substantially, super, unco, unusually, very, well.
50 considerably, exceedingly, extremely, greatly, highly, most, passing, rattling, real, really, substantially, super, to the highest degree, very, well.
52 considerably, fairly, jolly, kind of, kinda, middling, moderately, passably, pretty, quite, quite a, quite an, rather, reasonably, somewhat, sort of, substantially, well.
54 conspicuously, especially, in particular, outstandingly, particularly, peculiarly, prominently, remarkably, specially, unco, unusually.
57 especially, exceptionally, outstandingly, particularly, peculiarly, remarkably, specially, unco, unusually.
58 especially, in particular, inter alia, notably, outstandingly, particularly, peculiarly, remarkably, specially, specifically, unco, unusually.
59 especially, outstandingly, particularly, peculiarly, remarkably, so, specially, such, unco, unusually.
64 exceptionally, extremely, highly, outstandingly, quite, quite a, quite an, remarkably, unco, unusually.