翻訳 日本語 英語: 法
辞書: main
2 Concord, agreement, appointment, arrangement, arranging, date, engagement, prescript, promise, rule, transcription, understanding.
3 Constitution, composition, etiquette, make-up, makeup, manner, manners, personal manner, physical composition.
5 Dominion, convention, formula, linguistic rule, normal, pattern, prescript, principle, regulation, rule, ruler.
6 Liturgy, ceremonial, ceremonial occasion, ceremony, etiquette, observance, religious rite, rite, ritual.
13 agency, arrangement, convention, detail, fashion, formula, item, manner, means, mode, musical arrangement, normal, pattern, point, regulation, rule, style, way.
14 agency, behavior, behaviour, conduct, demeanor, demeanour, deportment, fashion, gesture, manner, means, method, mode, operating procedure, personal manner, style, substance, way.
15 agency, blueprint, counsel, counseling, counselling, design, direction, fashion, guidance, guide, manner, means, method, modality, mode, mood, musical mode, pattern, performance, public presentation, style, template, templet, way.
16 agency, course, course of action, fashion, manner, means, method, mode, operating procedure, operation, personal manner, procedure, style, way.
17 agency, course, course of action, fashion, manner, means, method, mode, operating procedure, personal manner, road, style, way.
18 agency, fashion, manner, means, method, modal value, mode, musical mode, operating procedure, style, technique, way.
19 agency, fashion, manner, means, method, mode, operating procedure, road, spec, specification, style, way.
23 air division, division, modality, mode, mood, naval division, partition, partitioning, sectionalisation, sectionalization, segmentation.
24 arm, deal, fashion, grip, hand, handgrip, handle, handwriting, helping hand, hold, manner, manus, method, mitt, mode, move, paw, script, style, way.
25 behavior, behaviour, conduct, demeanor, demeanour, deportment, method, physical process, process, summons.
29 closure, convention, end, final stage, formula, habit, last, normal, pattern, prescript, regulation, resolution, rule, settlement, wont.
30 closure, convention, formula, habit, normal, ordinance, pattern, prescript, regulation, resolution, rule, settlement, wont.
34 constabulary, jurisprudence, law, law of nature, legal philosophy, natural law, police, police force, practice of law.
36 convention, criterion, formula, measure, normal, pattern, prescript, principle, regulation, rule, ruler, standard, straightedge, touchstone.
38 criterion, graduated table, measure, ordered series, prescript, regulation, rule, ruler, scale, scale of measurement, standard, touchstone.
39 criterion, measure, norm, ordinance, point of reference, prescript, reference, reference point, regulation, rule, standard, touchstone.
40 criterion, measure, norm, ordinance, regulation, rule, spec, specification, standard, touchstone.