Translation Japanese English: 構え
Dictionary: main
1 Lot, Set, Seth, band, bent, circle, curing, exercise set, hardening, readiness, solidification, solidifying, stage set.
2 Post, attitude, berth, billet, emplacement, lieu, locating, location, military position, office, perspective, place, placement, position, positioning, posture, side, situation, spatial relation, spot, stance, status, stead, view.
4 SHAPE, condition, impetus, impulse, impulsion, note, pitch, quality, step, strain, style, stylus, tenor, timber, timbre, tone, tone of voice, tonicity, tonus, vein, whole step, whole tone.
7 affectation, affectedness, airs, attitude, bearing, break, carriage, intermission, interruption, mannerism, pause, pose, position, posture, recess, respite, suspension, time out.
8 air, appearance, army unit, body, form, organic structure, physical structure, show, style, stylus.
10 architectural style, body-build, build, expressive style, fashion, habitus, manner, mode, physique, style, style of architecture, stylus, type of architecture, way.
11 artistic style, chic, chichi, chicness, dash, elan, expressive style, fashion, flair, idiom, last word, manner, mode, modishness, panache, smartness, style, stylishness, stylus, swank, trend, vogue, way.