Переклад англійською з японської: 掃滅
Словник: main
1 annihilate, cancel out, carry off, consume, decimate, deplete, eat, eat up, eliminate, eradicate, erase, exhaust, extinguish, kill, obliterate, run through, sweep away, use up, wipe out.
2 annihilate, carry off, decimate, eliminate, eradicate, erase, exterminate, extinguish, kill, kill off, stamp out, wipe out.
3 bang up, bat, beat, beat out, better, breach, break, bust, clobber, crack, cream, crush, defeat, demolish, despoil, destroy, drub, get the better of, go against, infract, lick, offend, overcome, plunder, pull, put down, rape, rend, rip, rive, rupture, shell, smash, smash up, snap, spoil, tear, thrash, transgress, trounce, vanquish, violate.
4 bang up, bust up, cut up, demolish, desolate, destroy, devastate, lay waste to, mangle, maul, mutilate, ravage, ruin, scourge, shatter, smash, smash up, waste, wrack, wreck.
6 beat, beat out, bilk, bowl over, bring down, bunk, crush, cut down, defeat, demolish, destroy, down, drop, fell, get the better of, knock down, knock over, overcome, overthrow, overturn, pull down, push down, shell, strike down, subvert, tip, tip over, topple, trounce, tumble, tump over, turn over, upset, vanquish.
7 beat, beat out, bilk, crush, defeat, demolish, destroy, get the better of, kill, overcome, shell, tip, topple, trounce, tumble, vanquish.
9 belt down, bolt down, defeat, down, drink down, kill, obliterate, pop, pour down, shoot down, stamp out, toss off, vote down, vote out, wipe out.
10 blow out, blunt, cancel, damp, dampen, deaden, delete, do away with, efface, eliminate, erase, extinguish, get rid of, girdle, kill, obliterate, put out, quench, rub out, score out, smother, snuff out, take off, wipe off, wipe out.
11 break down, coldcock, crush, cut down, deck, demolish, destroy, down, drop, dump, fell, floor, knock down, pull down, pulverise, pulverize, push down, strike down, tip, topple, tumble.
13 buy off, do in, erase, flux, knock off, liquefy, liquidate, liquidise, liquidize, liquify, neutralise, neutralize, pay off, redeem, sell out, sell up, waste, wipe out.