翻訳 日本語 英語: 固まり
辞書: main
1 Ball, Lucille Ball, Nut, ballock, bollock, chunk, clod, clump, egg, formal, glob, globe, lump, musket ball, orb, orchis, testicle, testis.
2 Ball, Mass, accumulation, aggregation, assemblage, bunch, chunk, clod, clump, cluster, clustering, collection, crowd, glob, hunk, lump.
4 Ball, Nut, ballock, bead, bollock, chunk, clod, clump, drop, egg, eggs, family jewels, gem, glob, globe, jewel, lump, male genital organ, male genitalia, male genitals, orb, orchis, pearl, precious stone, sphere, testicle, testis.
8 Ball, chunk, clod, clump, gawk, glob, goon, hunk, lout, lubber, lummox, lump, oaf, puffiness, stumblebum, swelling.
10 Lot, Mass, Set, accumulation, aggregation, assemblage, band, bunch, circle, clump, cluster, clustering, collection, crowd, gathering.
11 Lot, Mass, accumulation, aggregation, assemblage, batch, collection, deal, dozens, flock, gobs, good deal, great deal, hatful, heap, heaps, lashings, loads, lots, mess, mickle, mint, mountain, muckle, oodles, passel, peck, pile, piles, plenty, pot, quite a little, raft, rafts, scads, scores, sight, slew, slews, spate, stack, stacks, tidy sum, tons, wad, wads.
12 Lot, Mass, agglomerate, batch, crowd, cumulation, cumulus, deal, dozens, flock, gobs, good deal, great deal, hatful, heap, heaps, lashings, loads, lots, mess, mickle, mint, mound, mountain, muckle, oodles, passel, peck, pile, piles, plenty, pot, quite a little, raft, rafts, scads, scores, sight, slew, slews, spate, stack, stacks, tidy sum, tons, wad, wads.
13 Lot, Mass, army, batch, battalion, concourse, crowd, deal, dozens, flock, gobs, good deal, great deal, hatful, heap, heaps, herd, large number, lashings, loads, lots, mess, mickle, mint, mountain, muckle, multitude, oodles, pack, passel, peck, pile, piles, plenty, plurality, pot, quite a little, raft, rafts, ruck, scads, scores, sight, slew, slews, spate, stack, stacks, throng, tidy sum, tons, wad, wads.
14 Lot, Mass, batch, bulk, deal, flock, good deal, great deal, hatful, heap, hoi polloi, masses, mess, mickle, mint, mountain, muckle, multitude, passel, peck, people, pile, plenty, pot, quite a little, raft, sight, slew, spate, stack, the great unwashed, tidy sum, volume, wad.
15 Lot, Set, band, bevy, bunch, circle, clump, cluster, clustering, crew, crowd, drove, flock, fold, gaggle, gang, herd, horde, pack, pod, ruck, school, shoal, swarm, troop.
16 Lot, Set, band, bunch, circle, crew, crowd, front, gang, group, grouping, mathematical group, movement, social movement.
18 Masa, Mass, battalion, bulk, crowd, dough, herd, hoi polloi, large number, masses, multitude, pack, pastry, pastry dough, people, plurality, ruck, the great unwashed, volume.
19 Mass, Salmo trutta, Salvelinus namaycush, brown trout, lake trout, salmon trout, sea trout, trout.
21 Mass, accumulation, aggregation, assemblage, assembling, assembly, collecting, collection, coming together, gathering, group, grouping, meeting, merging, party, session.
22 Mass, accumulation, aggregation, assemblage, bunch, clump, cluster, clustering, collection, crowd, drove, drove chisel, flock, fold, gathering, group, mathematical group, pack.
25 Set, accumulation, aggregation, assemblage, collection, complex, composite, ensemble, suit, suit of clothes.
26 accretion, accrual, accruement, accumulation, aggregation, assemblage, backlog, buildup, collection, fund, repositing, reposition, reserve, reservoir, stock, stockpile, storage, store, warehousing.
28 accumulation, aggregation, appeal, assemblage, assembling, collecting, collection, compendium, ingathering, solicitation.
32 assemblage, assembly, blackmailer, crowd, extortioner, extortionist, gathering, group, grouping, racketeer.