Переклад англійською з японської: 偶像
Словник: main
1 Almighty, Creator, Divine, Father, Father-God, Fatherhood, God, God Almighty, Godhead, Jehovah, Kami, Lord, Maker, Supreme Being, deity, divinity, graven image, idol, immortal, spirit.
2 FIG, SHAPE, Soma, Titan, anatomy, behemoth, bod, build, chassis, colossus, court card, design, face card, figure, flesh, form, frame, giant, heavyweight, human body, material body, name, pattern, physical body, physique, picture card, public figure, statue.
5 copy, duplicate, duplication, effigy, image, mirror image, reflection, reflexion, simulacrum, transcript.
6 double, effigy, epitome, figure, figure of speech, icon, ikon, image, look-alike, mental image, paradigm, persona, picture, prototype, range, range of a function, simulacrum, trope.
7 effigy, exposure, icon, ikon, illustration, image, likeness, photo, photograph, pic, picture, portrait, portrayal, semblance, simulacrum, video.
8 effigy, exposure, image, photo, photograph, pic, picture, portrait, portrayal, silhouette, simulacrum.
9 effigy, figure, figure of speech, icon, ikon, image, mental image, persona, picture, projection screen, screen, silver screen, simulacrum, trope.
10 effigy, function, image, map, mapping, mathematical function, simulacrum, single-valued function.
11 effigy, icon, ikon, illustration, image, mental image, mirror image, picture, reflection, reflexion, simulacrum, video.